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Crappy Jelly Belly's


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My pressing question for the evening is, who the hell invented buttered popcorn jelly belly's and decided it would be a good idea to mix them in with all the other flavors that don't taste like complete shit!!

I hate that person...seriously

Why can't they just make candy good :(:(

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Heh, there are a ton of candies out there that I wouldn't touch if I was starving but apparently they must sell because I see them year after year. Always amazes me.

Then again, I went to Six Flags with the kids last year and they have this big 'Coke' place that the company puts up which is a big freezing iglo looking thing that spritzes cool water on you since its hot outside and inside they have these soda machines that give you free samples of drinks that Coca Cola Company sells around the world and is the most popular at any one place.

BLEA! Some of the the stuff these countries buy/drink is disgusting. Mexico's wasn't too bad but it wasn't great. China's tasted like a liquid detergent.

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I have to disagree with you.

The buttered popcorn jelly bellies taste quite good.

But you have to eat them right.

You have to eat nothing but buttered popcorn jelly bellies, with full knowledge of what you are doing.

The trouble is when you mix them in with other flavors. Then the reaction in your mouth is almost but not quite a gag reflex. They are nasty when you are going the ultra sweet way and hit butter.

I pick them out of mixed bags and save them. Then sometime when I crave something buttery I can eat and enjoy them.

Think of it like this. Salmon fillet is good! Ice cream is good! Salmon fillet sunday is bad!

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Yup...I will have to agree with Mr. Vince here....

The buttered popcorn ones are great. On the seldom occasion I do have Jelly Bellies, I've segregated the buttered popcorn to the 'special' pile, then let someone else have the others...They have to be eaten on their own.

I could never understand the 'gummi worms' candy, and the progressively gross things they have turned them into. Gummi bugs, Gummi mice, Gummi intestines, bleack gross stuff!

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okok, I think that it's always tasted so bad when mixed with other jelly belly's that I've never taking the time to just try them on their own...I admit! I still don't want to do it.

So what's with Vegimite (sp?). As far as I can tell about the stuff is that you spread it on toast to make perfectly good toast taste like hell.

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never had it so I can't tell you there.

The British Isles have such odd foods: treacle tart, vegimite, bangers and mash, bacon buddy, blood pudding (in the USA, pudding is a sugar and cream dessert - putting blood in it would probably make you ill)

Don't forget they eat some sort of Kidney pie thing too. I'm not sure what it is, but it sure isn't pie as we know it!!

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We don't have Vegemite, that's the Aussies. We have Marmite. And it is delicious. Treacle tart is simply a dessert made with syrup and is again delicious, especially when served hot with cream or creme faiche. Similar to Pecan pie without the nuts. Bangers and mash is simply sausages and mashed potatoes. Nowt odd about that is there??

Bacon buddy? That sounds like a Yank invention to me. Bacon butty maybe. A 'butty' is simply a sandwich.

'Black' pudding is indeed made with pigs blood, but is not uniquely British. Blood sausage is and has been made all over the world. Don't eat it myself - don't like the texture of it, but it tastes ok.

As for the word 'pudding', it refers to several types of food, in particular steamed pie/cake type things, ceral based desserts, and sausages.

Then you have our national dish: curry!!!

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How does this sound for nasty, ehh??


i believe the highlights would be;





Ear Wax

Black pepper


Makes butter pretty tame ehh??

And i can attest to the fact this is no joke, i recieved a bag of these and had a hell of a time sorting them.

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