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Ok, so I have golden demon plans on my brain (planning ahead for 06 for my first shot at one), and I was wondering why people are always so hush hush about their entries before the event. I was sort of thinking about starting a thread to post WIP's, get feedback, get ideas, etc...I thought it would be a big advantage to use all the help I can get.

I figure if anyone wants to steal my ideas and does them better than me, then they deserve to win. Also I don't think anyone here (other than Laszlo) would even think to go to the LA GD, so it wouldn't be much about comptetition. Is there any other reasons why I should stay closed mouth on my entries?

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:tongue2: Hey mister, I'll steal your idea. And I'll see you at LA GD:nutkick:. But I wont be able to paint it as good as you. And it would take me years to paint it anyways. If i know that any one is going to go, maybe I'll go in 06. Went there in 04 and was totally board. I just wish that they held it closer to civilization.... I dont know why they call it LA GD... when its in Ontario. I HATE IT.... they should have it in Long Beach :wave: Just let me know

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mmm, it's hard to say imo...I would speak of the experiences I know,i think there are lots of reasons...may be some are stupid...or logical...it depends..for example..a friend of mine, seems to be a bit superstitious..and doesn't show his minis before the GD, other friend, likes showing me the things he does and asking for advices,.

about stealing the idea...well, If I steal an idea..and I win something...personally I wouldn't feel winner...

may be some want to preserve the "surprise factor", although is quite stupid...when there are more than a hundred entries on a GD i think...

If I were going to take part on a GD...I probably wouldn't show or speak to anyone, but not for superstitions..not for idea stealing or surprise factor, just because, and may be is just another stupid reason to add to the list..because I would take the mini as a personal challenge,I say, don't want advices although i'm wrong, after the contest I'll see the mistakes... it's me and the mini. hope you get the idea :).

in conclusion...do whatever you think better..if you think you need advices...show it...if not..not...but don't steal...stealing..bad...thinking your own...good..jaja

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I think it would be neat to see progression myself, but at the same time, I can understand how some folks would want to keep things a bit close to the vest so to speak. Personally, I don't think it would matter a whole boat load really where it concerns someone like you, or Laszlo, because you both have your own unique styles and to be damn honest, the US GD's are mostly a joke when compared to the UK, French, Spanish .. etc.

Don't think it would be loads of competition for you, though it would be a nice accomplishment.

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Nathan, you were sort of thinking what I was, I thought the fun would be in sort of putting up a progression of entries, get feedback, make alterations, etc...up to the event.

I agree that the US competitions don't compair to Euro events, and some day I hope to head over there for vacation and to hit one or two of them, but maybe first I need to practice close to home, build some confidence so to speak :) I guess I sort of see something like this as sort of enhancing the learning experience, for me and hopefully others as well...if that makes sense.

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Makes perfect sense, and to be honest, it would be a bit of fun to tromp all over the US GD's and then head on over the the european ones and try your hand there. Nothing against the US folks, but honestly, there are very few in my opinion that can really hold a candle against the Europeans when it comes to this stuff.

Aggrivating as that is.


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Nothing against the US folks, but honestly, there are very few in my opinion that can really hold a candle against the Europeans when it comes to this stuff.

I think at Eric's level, he could give any European a run for the money. :usa2:

And to give a real answer to your original question, I think it's mostly that people don't show their entries before the "big day" for the surprise factor. And others for the other reasons mentioned.. don't want ideas stolen, superstitious, etc.

Why not start a poll about it over at the CMON foums (when they're up again). I'm sure there's many GD entrants that go there that could give thair opinion.


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Another reason I can think people would keep it secret is they don't want judges getting bored with it.

It's possible judges would overlook one they had been seeing for months online.

Of course the oposite may be true. They may be anxious to see in person the piece they've seen pics of in advance.

I don't know which is the more likely.

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Ok, so I have golden demon plans on my brain (planning ahead for 06 for my first shot at one), and I was wondering why people are always so hush hush about their entries before the event. I was sort of thinking about starting a thread to post WIP's, get feedback, get ideas, etc...I thought it would be a big advantage to use all the help I can get.

I figure if anyone wants to steal my ideas and does them better than me, then they deserve to win. Also I don't think anyone here (other than Laszlo) would even think to go to the LA GD, so it wouldn't be much about comptetition. Is there any other reasons why I should stay closed mouth on my entries?

Well, it's a mix of everything. Some people want the "gosh wow!" factor of having a new entry which *hasn't* been up on CMON for 6 months. Some do concern themselves about idea theft (I know of at least one major argument between "name" painters because of this.) I'm usually painting entries up until the last second (who has time for critiques?!?) And frankly it also saves the embrassment if you don't finish your entry (not that I know *anyone* who's ever done that. Nope, nosiree....)

Personally I go for the gosh-wow factor, though I do have friends I share with. Stupidly enough my wife is my closest confidant in many ways. I'm lucky to have her. She's an artist so I can ask her for color and composition critiques. (Without worrying someone will "steal" my ideas!!! :listen: :laugh: )



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  • 1 month later...

Wow, how did I miss this thread ???

I won't add on what has already been said on the surprise factor and not getting one's ideas stollen. What I can say though is that if you look carefully on some of the lesser known french forums or on the articles that summarize events you'll often see the futur GD FR entries. I saw Allan's Genestealer Patriarch in Fimo mode two months before GD FR in a convention. The top painters actually show their entries a lot to get feedback but they do this in a circle of people who have their confidence.

Kaple, Jakob, and others also post WIPs on their own sites or forums.

In fact it might be more a question of not showing the final version too much in advance IMHO. Kind of what you did Eric for your Dragyri a while back. You had us all drooling on her with your WIP, and then you posted the final version with the water ... thump, thump, thump ... our jaws dropped ;).

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I think it would be near impossible to get a 9.5+ with that mini unless there is an amazing base or other feature which would make it stand out, unless there is some vote cheeting.

9.5's are amazingly hard, and usually require a combination of a lot of factors. And commonly available, unconverted minis are usually not one of those factors...I mean look at reaper minis, they've have 100's of minis a month go up on cmon, and only 1 ever has gotten better than 9.5.

Cedric, I think you've written a lot of what I was thinking. That it isn't really the best idea to put the WIP's up on huge forums like CMON, but so far this forum has been shaping up to be a nice community with a ton of very tallented people. Seems like a good place for it.

And I'm making good progress on my first entry, perhaps after the weekend I can give a first WIP of the conversion, it's shaping up to be quite a project...

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That is a pretty good gimmick Ian has there, and an understandable one, though I think he is going to be able to hold onto that last $100 easily enough because that 9.5 is going to be hell to get and in the mean time, the miniatures will sell.

To get back on subject though, I pretty much agree with what Scott said, it likely isn't going to be a problem for you to pick up a GD or a Slayer Sword here in the US. I'm more interested in seeing what you can do over in the UK personally. That being said, I think if it was me, that I would perhaps stop just short of showing everything off before its finished, so that there is still some 'wow' factor should you want/need it for the contest.

Can't wait to see what you come up with.

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