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Cheap models in GG3?

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One of the most exciting things in the new GG for me is that the schemes work pretty hard to reward cheaper models in all sorts of way (and to some degree the strategies reward cheap ap as long as it is good at surviving).

Anyone experimenting with this? If the highest cost models you hire is 7 stones (or some higher cost models that won't die like Bete Noire), many schemes get very advantageous.

Vendetta, martyrs, catch and release, Public demonstration, and in your face all reward crews full of cheap models. I don't know if we've have had a GG like this before.

What do you reckon?  Is it a chance for crews full of cheap cost 7 and below models to shine?

This of course won't make previously bad ones playable, but I'm talking things like Botanists, Doxies, etc.

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I tried this approach with Mei Feng bringing three Survivors and two Metal Gamin. The problem for me was that they don't achieve enough and still die (even though Survivor is arguably one of the toughest 5-SS Minions) and since they take multiple activations to spend their AP, the opponent can react in between.

Also, it's easy to lose activation advantage with cheap minions since they can be killed before they activate (they take a long time to activate, in a way). And I didn't outnumber my opponent in turn three anymore so lost Guard the Stash (which, at least in theory, should favour bigger crews a bit).

Could be player error, of course, but my initial try at least wasn't a success.

I don't think that the Minion problem can be solved through GG.

That said, good topic and would love to hear other people's experiences.

(Also, Botanists are certainly absolutely crazy and apparently was the Scottish GT, so those most certainly work)

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8 hours ago, Math Mathonwy said:

I tried this approach with Mei Feng bringing three Survivors and two Metal Gamin. The problem for me was that they don't achieve enough and still die (even though Survivor is arguably one of the toughest 5-SS Minions) and since they take multiple activations to spend their AP, the opponent can react in between.

Also, it's easy to lose activation advantage with cheap minions since they can be killed before they activate (they take a long time to activate, in a way). And I didn't outnumber my opponent in turn three anymore so lost Guard the Stash (which, at least in theory, should favour bigger crews a bit).

Could be player error, of course, but my initial try at least wasn't a success.

I don't think that the Minion problem can be solved through GG.

That said, good topic and would love to hear other people's experiences.

(Also, Botanists are certainly absolutely crazy and apparently was the Scottish GT, so those most certainly work)

Yeah, this doesn't necessarily address the ones that were always going to be bad, but things like doxies, experimental models, gwisin with GST, kirai swarms, etc all seem like they might shine this GG.

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As an example of the shenanigans though...

Gg3 Mcm (Resurrectionist)
Size: 50 - Pool: 2
  Dr. McMourning, Insanitary
  Zombie Chihuahua
  Bete Noire
  Grave Golem
  Corpse Curator
    Killer Instinct
  Canine Remains
  Gwisin 2

With no killable models over 7 stones, no henchmen... this list is potentially really effective at preventing scoring of 11 of 13 schemes xD

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8 hours ago, Mycellanious said:

Oh no! Tell us EVERYTHING 

I did the McMourning list on a map with a bunch of severe (round 4 world series), and it sort of paralyzed my crew so I couldn't get anywhere xD

Plus awkwardly it had schemes he could still easily score (like Load em up).

But for some pools... it may be worth.

I think I'd probably want some elite models to get some kills though :(

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