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Waldo's Weekly - It Overtakes Me


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Hey Wyrdos,

This week, Waldo bought a onesie… of himself. How or where he found a company to manually sew up a design of himself is beyond us, but here we are, staring at a Waldo in a Waldo. At least he looks comfortable.

So, while we have ourselves a collective identity crisis, let’s take a look at an upcoming fireteam for The Other Side’s Kimon!


From an oni’s perspective, it is alarmingly easy to manipulate mankind. They want such meager, simple things. In exchange for knowledge, guidance, and power, some are even willing to share their bodies with an oni from the Beyond.


These Possessed enjoy their newfound talents, but are unknowingly providing the oni with the opportunity to slowly consume them. Over time, the oni’s thoughts and influence chew away at their host’s mind until nothing but the human’s physical appearance remains. This provides the oni with a perfect disguise and creates a growing concern for mankind on earth: nowhere is safe from the Kimon.


On the table, the Possessed will help create some breathing room for your forces by generating resources while also removing some of your opponent’s. Flipping back and forth from Glory is a great way to draw some much-needed cards. And while in Glory, the Possessed can prevent enemy fireteams from declaring Triggers in duels targeting them.

We’ll have more information on the Kimon as we get closer to their release!


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It has a decent enough defensive statline for the cost and from what we have seen of the one gate card so far I can start to see perhaps how wyrd intend the faction to play. Still holding off on individual unit assesments until we have seen the allegiance card has been revealed though. A lot of this is going to make more sense once we know how gate cards get onto units and how we get the units into glory so we can flip them out of glory.

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14 hours ago, TimH said:

It has a decent enough defensive statline for the cost and from what we have seen of the one gate card so far I can start to see perhaps how wyrd intend the faction to play. Still holding off on individual unit assesments until we have seen the allegiance card has been revealed though. A lot of this is going to make more sense once we know how gate cards get onto units and how we get the units into glory so we can flip them out of glory.

Agreed, and one body two souls seems like a decent enough incentive to have these be a unit you take at least 1 of the get an extra bonus for flipping something. It is really interesting that their role completely changes depending on what side of the card they are on. They go from either a dedicated disruption/point scoring model to a less resilient more combat focused role, which is fascinating design space. 

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14 minutes ago, AverageGatsby said:

Agreed, and one body two souls seems like a decent enough incentive to have these be a unit you take at least 1 of the get an extra bonus for flipping something. It is really interesting that their role completely changes depending on what side of the card they are on. They go from either a dedicated disruption/point scoring model to a less resilient more combat focused role, which is fascinating design space. 

I found it really interesting that one side can't even do damage directly (maybe something else helps make shaken/pinned or movement cause damage, but that's not directly).

In so many other games, most models/units at least have a token useless sword/knife or something.


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30 minutes ago, Cats Laughing said:

I found it really interesting that one side can't even do damage directly (maybe something else helps make shaken/pinned or movement cause damage, but that's not directly).

In so many other games, most models/units at least have a token useless sword/knife or something.


I think the point is that out of glory they are basically just civilians. Cannot directly attack but can force enemies away from themselves and can't suffer disengaging strikes. The only way to really stop them from walking away from you and doing objectives is to kill them all or pen them in with units/terrain.

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