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Looking to use Lynch

Tony Crawford

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Hello everyone!


So I am fairly new to the game and I am looking to get use out of Lynch.  I was wondering in the recent months what have people been using to effectively play Lynch?  Any tips or tricks with the Honeypot crew you might be willing to share?


Also what Schemes do you all like to play with them?  I appreciate the responses!

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Tannen is incredibly annoying for opponents, especially if you give him Silent Protector and have Sun Quiang.

Lynch generally likes to go into games that naturally bubble, so Public Enemies and Recover Evidence are good starts. If Claim Jump and or Leave Your Mark are also in the pool you pretty much have a perfect pool for Lynch, since even if they just concede the center you can still use Beckoners to pull enemy models in and pick them off to get your strategy points. Things to look out for are shockwaves and blasts

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Hi! Welcome to Mali!

I've not played him, but I've played versus him; some advice:

Rig the deck is amazing, learn to exploit it becaue it's game warping: Use Focused to filter weak cards out of your hand, use some :ToS-Fast: abilities to discard weak cards; even attack yourself to discard several weak cards; prepare the RJ to show up in a :-flipdamage flip. This is one of the best abilities out there to give yourself an awesome hand and ease your duels; use it to the limit because it's both an offensive and a defensive ability.

Tannen is a very good model, but it's squishy and he needs to stay in the middle of the action; try to protect it well (H2K, Take the hit...); this also goes for other models, as this crew need to strack brillance (and stay alive to do so), make sure your crew is able to sustain and protect key models.

Tanukis or Sun Quiang; Focused' :+flip will help you to filter bad cards with Rig the Deck. Also Lynch Totem is a good beater when is stacked with Focused and can be placed with the looming dark trigger.

Don't go out of your way to try to summon things with Lynch, it's good when it happens but don't forget to score to stack more brillance to summon something that turn. Also keep in mind SS damage reduction when going for it versus Henchmans.

Hope it helps!

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Get Tannen in the list and give him a survivability upgrade is step one I think. Don't forget your models have rig the deck. 😅

Small things I didn't see mentioned:
The looming dark can be used on your own models which relent so you can place Huggy with a very low Tome at the cost of damage. 
Charge and use friendly handshake on a model of your own instead of walking with Lynch first turn so you get more brilliance out.

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