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Manos makes a great Henchman Hardcore leader!

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Today the list I tried was:

  • Manos
  • Yin
  • Chiaki
  • Komainu

Chiaki is great for a bit of repositioning and a turn one upgrade on Komainu.

Yin and Manos can get four bombs down quite easily between them. They're also absolutely stellar at dodging terrain. After dropping bombs, they can put tons of offensive pressure wherever you need.

The vendetta points are a bit tricky, but the Komainu can score at least one and soak tons of hits.

Anyone tried Manos in HH? Seems better than Philip and the Nanny after the Archie nerfs.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Since I'm just starting out I've been interested in getting a couple HH games in to get my feet wet. Manos seems like a good leader - was actually looking at Manos/Toshiro/Chiaki/Komainu earlier. just for the summons. 

How often does the "Constriction" ability come into play? I'm coming from a warhammer background so it was relatively uncommon to retreat. Not saying I never did it, but most times you finish out when you get stuck in. If disengaging in Malifaux is super common I can see this adding some utility, but otherwise I'm feeling pretty meh on Yin.

One cavaet would be Yin in a Redchapel crew - I could see his 'your'e coming with me' trigger as great fun throwing people into Seamus.





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26 minutes ago, Speedguyjp said:

Since I'm just starting out I've been interested in getting a couple HH games in to get my feet wet. Manos seems like a good leader - was actually looking at Manos/Toshiro/Chiaki/Komainu earlier. just for the summons. 

How often does the "Constriction" ability come into play? I'm coming from a warhammer background so it was relatively uncommon to retreat. Not saying I never did it, but most times you finish out when you get stuck in. If disengaging in Malifaux is super common I can see this adding some utility, but otherwise I'm feeling pretty meh on Yin.

One cavaet would be Yin in a Redchapel crew - I could see his 'your'e coming with me' trigger as great fun throwing people into Seamus.





You can't summon in HH :(

Disengagement is really common in Malifaux, but not as much in HH (especially for this crew). That said, it definitely comes up if you mess up your bombs! Positioning is more important than fighting a lot of the time.

Yin is great for dark bargain though. Being able to move 12" and drop a bomb is great.

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15 hours ago, Speedguyjp said:

Since I'm just starting out I've been interested in getting a couple HH games in to get my feet wet. Manos seems like a good leader - was actually looking at Manos/Toshiro/Chiaki/Komainu earlier. just for the summons. 

How often does the "Constriction" ability come into play? I'm coming from a warhammer background so it was relatively uncommon to retreat. Not saying I never did it, but most times you finish out when you get stuck in. If disengaging in Malifaux is super common I can see this adding some utility, but otherwise I'm feeling pretty meh on Yin.

One cavaet would be Yin in a Redchapel crew - I could see his 'your'e coming with me' trigger as great fun throwing people into Seamus.

Its not a perfect comparison, because the objectives of the game are very different, but models here are much more like Fast Calvary. (in that most of them actually want to move about rather than just get locked up in combat). Fleeing from a charge is  the nearest Warhammer had to choosing to retreat, and as a general rule it made that unit miss at least 1 turn, so you need a pretty good reason. Disengaging here is not much worse that walking if you're just trying to get somewhere.

It depends a lot on how you are playing the game, and what your plan is, but disengaging can be game winning. Its not something that gets done all the time, but its something you should at least consider  if you are in a fight you don't think you can win. (or if you have other plans to try and score/deny vp).

In interact heavy game set ups (which could be henchman hardcore if you want to go that route) careful engagement of a model can really ruin their day, not because of the distance but because they can't interact that turn.

I don't think Constriction is an important part of Yins toolkit. But she does her best work when she is engaging enemy models. I think her best job is to tie up enemy models and not die. If they try and escape, then Constriction will slow them down a little more, possibly in the 2-4" region for that 1 action, but its rare you'll notice the benefit. (Your opponent is more likely to notice the pain as it can make their plans that much less reliable to the extent its often not even worth trying it)

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