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Resurection in Malifaux


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Say someone died a horrible death that left no body, but as they were near an empty Soulstone, their soul remains.

Would there be any known ways to resurect them?
Maybe transfer their soul to a construct or even a puppet?

Would a Death Marshall know something about it?

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4 hours ago, Tenshi said:

Say someone died a horrible death that left no body, but as they were near an empty Soulstone, their soul remains.

Would there be any known ways to resurect them?

Known by who?  There haven’t been any documented instances in the wargaming background material, although...

4 hours ago, Tenshi said:

Maybe transfer their soul to a construct or even a puppet?

It has been implied that this has happened (by characters such as Lazarus in the war game) by accident, although possibly not all of the identity is present.  For Lazarus, it’s implied that much was either forgotten or lost.

Likewise, characters have gotten turned into puppets or worse, and partial or severe memory and identity loss has been described during those stories.

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I seem to remember that the printing press has Nellie's dad's Soulstone empowering it. I think it is entirely possible for this to happen, but again, whether or not memories are tied to brains or souls would have to be addressed. There is, for example, a brain surgery talent that has addressed this, so Wyrd has thought about this sort of process. The rules are never meant to put restrictions on creativity, so I would say the Fatemaster would just have to get creative.

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Miss KORE is supposed to be a perfect transfer of the soul to a ‘stone to a construct—but then, so was Lazarus, at first.

The puppets are generally animated by dreams, not souls (the Widow Weaver and her creations, and it could be said a voodoo doll is partly animated by hope and railing-against-fate) so they sidestep the need for a soulstone.

Undead mismatch the spirit to the flesh except for instances of Tyrant-level meddling, and the mismatch causes the rage against the living. This wouldn’t work for what you want I think. (Also it makes me wonder if constructs don’t start with murderous rage by default, because it isn’t someone else’s shell they occupy, but a blank and empty machine.)

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