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An introduction series for new players!


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 There's no starter set for M3E, so in our city we've taken to just running introduction series.

The basic idea:

  • Everyone buys one core box.
  • Pays a small entry fee: ~$13USD.
  • They get a fate deck + scheme markers for their entry fee, and leftover money goes towards small prizes.

Prizes are largely participation based, and are around things like painting a model and posting in the local Malifaux group - anything to get the players engaged in the community.

Each week we have an escalating series of campaign objectives. They start out with a pretty simple game (2-3 models doing plant explosives with two bombs only, and claim jump as a scheme) and work their way up to playing a full game with their whole core box on the field (with some adjustments to even up soulstone costs). Summoners are only allowed to summon from their core box. We'll also bend these rules a bit (one player is playing Arcanist Marcus, so we'll lend him some Arcanist beasts to really try out his abilities).

So basically players start out knowing nothing about Malifaux, and by the end of it they can organise their own games. And since it is several new players starting all at once, it encourages people to find other new players and start playing! The super low investment aspect is also really appealing to people, since all you need is a core box and a small entry fee, and you get to play in the campaign.

Thought people here might be interested. I've attached the series briefing for anyone interested.


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Not sure if people are interested in updates, but here's how it went for the first night!

We had 5 new players and 3 experienced players floating around to help.

The pool of plant explosives + claim jump worked really well. The players each had a target of reaching two victory points. Only 1 of the new players managed to reach that target initially as they were running around just fighting each other. BUT 4 of them enjoyed themselves so much they had rematches, and all four of those players got the two point target in the second attempt. It was good to see the growth in understanding of the game over the course of the night (I gave a few tips, but they largely figured it out themselves)! Some even got as high as four points, essentially the maximum for the match.

We're having a second 'first' session on Sunday, so should have another 3-4 new people then as well.

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8 minutes ago, sigasana44 said:

sounds pretty great! I've been thinking on how to get my friend attracted to malifaux when he has no experience in tabletop gaming. this might help.

Glad to hear it!

I find a single core box approach to be good because it is a relatively small investment.

If they've not done any wargames at all, depending on their confidence it may pay to do some tutorials before starting. a movement, attacking, and interacting tutorial are what I do for players who aren't ready to dive into the simplified game.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Our series has wrapped up!

Great participation over all! Malifaux was one of our biggest wargames at the club this past month. People are already purchasing more models to fill out their crews, and I think everyone now has a solid enough grasp of the game that they can easily organise their own games and plan out future crews.

Mission accomplished :)

If I was to change anything, I'd change the 'Take Prisoner' on the Reckoning scenario. Having it + breakthrough is too much of a nonbo, and I'd rather have something a bit more achievable in that Take Prisoner slot. Probably deliver a message.

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My girlfriend is learning how to play the game and this has been a really useful tool, so thanks! She's starting with Ironsides and we're going on to Reckoning next. I'll change the scenario to be Deliver a Message instead, and let you know how that works out.


It's also been a nice tool to teach myself another master ;)

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3 hours ago, midwifecrisis said:

My girlfriend is learning how to play the game and this has been a really useful tool, so thanks! She's starting with Ironsides and we're going on to Reckoning next. I'll change the scenario to be Deliver a Message instead, and let you know how that works out.


It's also been a nice tool to teach myself another master ;)

Stoked you like it!

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