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I am planning to do a write up on Mei Feng, my favourite master, who is sadly missing  a sticky. When I saw an old Mei Feng flow chart here: www.loadingcheckpoint.blogspot.de, posted by Nick Jewell, I thought I'd do the same for M2E. I took the symbols from said flow chart, they are not my own work. 


Could you check whether it is understandable? I don't know the names of the new upgrades/triggers yet. I wrote an example on how I understand the new upgrade, please correct me if I am wrong, or if you find any mistakes elsewhere.







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As I see it, with her new upgrade and The Emissary, she can chain into an insane amount of extra actions......if she has the suits for the triggers of course. Plus, it is limited by the upgrade slots.

But it is hilarious that you can do Scalding Breath and then declare Rolling Ground / Railwalk / (Vent Steam - well, why not do the other two first...) and your suit is build in.


I listed each available trigger for each action, including those on upgrade cards. The action is the first icon, the ones below are.the triggers. Should have included lines to indicate the connection, I guess. Maybe the upgrade names as well...


The upgrade that lets you declare any trigger is called "Press the Advantage" with "Take Advantage of Any Opening" being the specific passive's name to duplicate any trigger, and "Ride the Rails (Crow+Mask) letting you take Railwalker. The Railwalker one is called "Rail Lines" for the upgrade name, and the trigger is called "Passenger Line" triggering on a Mask.

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I'm struggling to follow the diagram but I'm looking forward to 1 AP combos that might work! 

Mei w/ Press the Advantage and Seismic Claws

Tiger Claws :mask (+ Stone/Flip/Cheat :crow) to trigger Ride the Rails. Place within 6" and auto-trigger either another rail walk or Jackhammer Kick. Then you can kick and declare one of the 2 Seismic Claw triggers depending on the situation: :mask Tremors: Tiger Claw attack against another target after pushing the model 3" away, or :tome Rolling Ground: Push the target 2" and take the Jackhammer Kick against the same target.

Starting with the Jackhammer Kick is a little more resource intensive as you need a :mask and a :crow.

Of course the dream set up is that 2 enemies trapped with no way to push out of engagement, then Mei tiger claws them both as much as she is able before you decide to trigger Ride the Rails and go fight something else. 





Feedback concerning the diagram...

  • The inconsistency labeling the names of the triggers and the granted actions is confusing.
  • The coloring and organization of the icons implies that brown things are Actions and blue things are triggers, but that's not explained anywhere.  This should be added to icon key area for people who don't know which is which.
  • The two paragraphs of text in the column with "New action/ability" shouldn't be next to the icon keys, especially without borders separating the two.  
  • The downward pointing green arrow is confusing, because you've got a spatially arranged diagram.  Maybe replace it with a green circle, a dotted line, or something else.
  • The icons next to the top node of three of the four clusters (Tiger Claw, Railwalker, and Scalding Breath) should be removed.  It's inconsistent, and it's incompletely duplicating trigger information on the branches of the diagram.

P.S.  Thanks for doing this. :)

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1. You mean that first the action is called, for example 'Railwalk' and the trigger 'Expressline' goes with the same symbol? In that case, I guess the name of the original action should be excluded from the chard and included in the icon keys. 

2. Alright. Plus, I would need to change the colour of Railwalk. 

3. True, that was pretty half-assed, but mostly because I wanted to make sure the content was correct. Will rearrange that.

4. I actually think the arrows make it easier as it indicates open movement to more actions/triggers, in contrast to the red line. Otherwise, a green dotted line maybe. 

5. Those are meant to show inbuilt suits. 

3 hours ago, Treehouse said:

How about this?

Nice. :) The main thing I wonder about is the built in suits.  I wonder if it would be better to remove the suit on the action's node, and instead put an asterisk next to the built in suits in the triggers. 

But I notice that you have Vent Steam listed as a trigger name when it's actually an Action.  The trigger that on Tiger Claw and Jackhammer Kick to do Vent Steam is Pressurized Vent.  It's a minor distinction that I'd worry about being confusing for intermediate students.

I'm looking at chart and the cards as someone who has played Mei Feng before but it's been a few months, and I wonder if there's a good way to indicate that Railwalker needs a 7 or better.


Thanks for all the feedback :).

1. I was thinking of decreasing contrast on the suits not built in to show that they need to be added and add that to the key. However, one problem is that Press the Advantage messes that up. Let's say you take a Jackhammer kick and then want to declare Tremors. If you then look at the chqrt for Tiger Claw, the asterix would indicate it was built in. 

2. Good call, missed that one. 

3. Could include that in the key. In the chart it would add too much visual information, I believe.

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