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Old books worth it for fluff?


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Not sure if this is the right place, sorry if this is not.

If I want to read ABSOLUTELY all of the fluff/lore and get every important story and such. Do I need to read the old 1.5 books? I read that the story continues from 1.5 to 2.0 instead of restarting. Are the old stories important and good? Also I know that I should read the Wyrd Chronicles for extra stories, but other than the 1.5 books, new 2.0 books and Wyrd Chronicles are there any other I should know of and check out?

I am also guessing that the by far best way to get the 1.5 books is Drivethrurpg, since they seem to be a little bit of a bother to get on amazon for example.

Thanks in advance, any help is greatly appreciated and sorry again if this is the wrong place for this topic

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The bayou broadcast podcast has read out the main story from the old books. Personally I like having my own copy, but if you just want to know the story you can listen to them. (If you wan tto know the story, and own the story, buy the books and listen to them anyway). 

It does miss the character entries, which were a little longer in the last edition that this edition. 

So far, the books from both editions, wyrd chronicles and through the breech rules and source books as well as some of their adventures. And in the not to distant future The other side will be conitinuign the story earthside. 

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As Adran mentioned, there's a lot of fluff in the Through the Breach books and adventures. Malifaux tends to give you a glimpse of the world and characters, and the stories can give you a glimpse of the world through the eyes of one of the characters, but the TTB books are designed to build up enough of a world for Fatemasters to run games set in Malifaux, so they tend to heavy on background stuff like Gremlin society, the different districts of the Quarantine Zone, and so on.

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On 2017-07-27 at 2:35 PM, Stur said:

Not sure if this is the right place, sorry if this is not.

If I want to read ABSOLUTELY all of the fluff/lore and get every important story and such. Do I need to read the old 1.5 books? I read that the story continues from 1.5 to 2.0 instead of restarting. Are the old stories important and good? Also I know that I should read the Wyrd Chronicles for extra stories, but other than the 1.5 books, new 2.0 books and Wyrd Chronicles are there any other I should know of and check out?

I am also guessing that the by far best way to get the 1.5 books is Drivethrurpg, since they seem to be a little bit of a bother to get on amazon for example.

Thanks in advance, any help is greatly appreciated and sorry again if this is the wrong place for this topic

Another good source is the Breachside Broadcast, each episode is about half an hour and usually relays 2 stories about the Malifaux masters. Though if you have read the Wyrd Chronicles you'd probably know about them.

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