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Oni's march


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Sup guys :) I'm quite new to gen thunders and yesterday I had my first match up with asami (against Reva). I didn't t won, but I quite liked the master and I want to get a better understanding of the crew, so here I am asking for sudjestions :)

The list I used was 

Asami (heavenly design, nefarious pact) 7ss


Amanozako (recalled, smokebombs)

Ohgaru Bettari (the eat your fill up I can remebare the name xD )

2x katanakas

1 tt bro


This list was conceived mainly to try out every model in the box (I focused on summoning yokai, and I got a jorogumo + obsidian on later turns), adding the katanaka in order to give some long range support. The fact I was against a Reva made it hard to rush the middle with models, cause I would had put Asami in a bad spot, but otherwise it seems to me to be a good idea to be a midfield summoner like molly, rather than something like Ramos. Also, it looked to me like it would be a good idea to switch between summoning and using her others actions, rather than just spamming models, cause otherwise you'll spend your entire game with no cards in your hand.

About the other models, Amanozako performed really well, and I think I won't let her behind easily, while ohaguro bettari did kinda "meh", mainly because the summonings drained my hand (guess next time I'll try with recalled even on her), but her mobility is quite something, so she might end up being my scheme runner hunter.

About the amanjaku, it really felt useless :| sure, his attack get really good as the game goes on, but I don't quite like the fact that he uses 9's for his action and is insignificant (meaning he can mostly act like a sort of bodyguard for Asami/cheap activation). I'll probably sobstitute it with the effigy, or the wonder weasel when I can get my hands on some terra-cotta warriors.

Models I want to try in the future are : illuminated, yamaziko (mainly against Neverborn/resurrectionist), the emissary (who seems quite useful tho I'm not quite sold on him) and some low river monks

Summonings wise, here's my impressions about the models:

Akaname and tengu: haven't used them, tho I don't think I'll ever summon one unless in very situation cases. 

Yokai: these guys are awesome, and just by the fact you get instant flicker 2, makes them the best summon you can get with asami

Obsidian: situationally good, they work well for tarpitters but wouldn't summon too many of these. Still need to test them better (might try to bring a couple deployed)

Jorogumo: not worth summoning them without any corpse around, but otherwise even with flicker 2, they're really nice thanks to their damage track and their 3" engagement. Can see one being really annoying in interference if well placed. 

These are my very earlie thoughts, I m open to any sudjestions, list ideas and critique :) I'm looking for some feedback to get a better understanding of the master :) thanks to anyone stopping by!

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Best summon is Yokai, the next best one will probably be the Oni. Unless you need to tie up models, then Jorogumo might be better.


I never use Amanjaku as I feel he's just bad. The +1 Flicker sounds nice, but need a 9 in a crew that already uses plenty of high cards. My advice would be going with Kamaitachi as totem and combo it with the Terracotta Warriors. The changed upgrade model will get a free push, heal AND card draw. Really nice!

I usually take Yasunori (proxy) in my crew as he can really make things ridiculous. Having Bettari with Asami on one side and Yasunori on the other makes the opponent also bring plenty of stones to the Yasunori side. Unless you get unlucky, he WILL get those 4 attacks off.


I really like the Ten Thunders Brother as well due to his power for scheme marker schemes or just tarpitting models that don't have a Ca action. Defense 7 with + is pretty hard to take down.


Some early thoughts of mine for you, hope they help.

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4 hours ago, whodares said:

Best summon is Yokai, the next best one will probably be the Oni. Unless you need to tie up models, then Jorogumo might be better.


I never use Amanjaku as I feel he's just bad. The +1 Flicker sounds nice, but need a 9 in a crew that already uses plenty of high cards. My advice would be going with Kamaitachi as totem and combo it with the Terracotta Warriors. The changed upgrade model will get a free push, heal AND card draw. Really nice!

I usually take Yasunori (proxy) in my crew as he can really make things ridiculous. Having Bettari with Asami on one side and Yasunori on the other makes the opponent also bring plenty of stones to the Yasunori side. Unless you get unlucky, he WILL get those 4 attacks off.


I really like the Ten Thunders Brother as well due to his power for scheme marker schemes or just tarpitting models that don't have a Ca action. Defense 7 with + is pretty hard to take down.


Some early thoughts of mine for you, hope they help.

Thx :) yeah Yasunori eems huge with Asami, but I really don't like proxies :( tho I'll give it a try just to get the feeling of the model before July! I was seeing that a lot of people bring tannen, and while he seems quite nice, I don t see him catching up with the rest of the models speed. I think a tt bro is generally a better choice! 

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Correct me if i'm wrong, but could you use Amanjaku to potentially +1 destined on an emissary? If that is possible provided that you score with your strat every turn, you could pop a board wide focus for a 9 and a (0) from the emissary every turn, turn 3 onwards.

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3 hours ago, VVolfe said:

Correct me if i'm wrong, but could you use Amanjaku to potentially +1 destined on an emissary? If that is possible provided that you score with your strat every turn, you could pop a board wide focus for a 9 and a (0) from the emissary every turn, turn 3 onwards.

You actually can, I heard it on scheme and stones but I forgot about it! That could be interesting if you manage to get a good bunch of models around!

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But turns 2 and 3 are the turns everything happens. As your favourite models have to wait until Amanjaku and Emissary are done with their activations, it really limits the usefulness of this option, as the oponent will be able to activate 2-3 models before you are striking back.

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12 hours ago, Gottkaiser said:

But turns 2 and 3 are the turns everything happens. As your favourite models have to wait until Amanjaku and Emissary are done with their activations, it really limits the usefulness of this option, as the oponent will be able to activate 2-3 models before you are striking back.

If you were wanting to do this you'd probably be playing turn 1 and 2 quite cagey, meaning that early turn 2 isn't very exciting, so you can spare the 2 activation's to set it up. But you are right, its probably something that you want to be aware of, but you won't want to do it every turn because it constrains the crew a lot. 

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