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Battle Reports at Top Tournaments


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I generally find that its only the people playing the game that will be watching it closely enough to report on a game. It is nice to see who faces who on each round ( or at least I think so) but its probably a lot of extra work for the organiser to put that information out there. 


You have attended 3 events this year. Have you written reports on any of them? Can you say what happened on the top table of any of them? I can normally tell you what happened on my games, the top 3, and what happened with a few of my friends games, and that's about it. I often can't tell you what master the top 3 used unless I faced them or was on a neighbouring table 

Its a lot harder than it seems to do, and its not anyone's job. Most of the time you'll get an end standing, and that about it. Sometimes you'll even get what faction people were in that standing. I normally only read about the big events if someone has pulled off something that is considered by some hugely overpowered ( The last 2 years, I think we've had the winners with Levi, Sonnia and the rat bomb come out and say they think they are too powerful and use the tournement results to back it up, but other than that very few people report the results). 

And it might be due to the size of the fields, but UK seems better at posting the results than US, but it could easily be because its much harder to know your placing at the event itself. 

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I wish that Malifaux had some sort of an official system like Infinity has that could be used to record this sort of stuff. Would provide quite a bit of cool data if people simply recorded the result, their faction, Master, and the pool of strat and schemes available for each tournament game. But it isn't a trivial task so I can see why Wyrd isn't doing it currently.

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13 minutes ago, Math Mathonwy said:

I wish that Malifaux had some sort of an official system like Infinity has that could be used to record this sort of stuff. Would provide quite a bit of cool data if people simply recorded the result, their faction, Master, and the pool of strat and schemes available for each tournament game. But it isn't a trivial task so I can see why Wyrd isn't doing it currently.

you mean logfaux?

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with only 2-3 "official" events a year (adepticon, gen con, uk nationals) I'm not sure how much data you'd shake loose.

The issue with writing detailed battle reports is that if I'm playing on top tables I'm concentrating on the playing, not making notes.  By the end of the day, the games plus travel has me too tired to write much.

I do put summaries up in my various threads if I think it might help - check out my Zipp thread for examples - are these what the OP is after?

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1 hour ago, Joel said:

with only 2-3 "official" events a year (adepticon, gen con, uk nationals) I'm not sure how much data you'd shake loose.

I dunno if you are familiar with the Infinity Tournament System but it essentially combines the Gaining Grounds and logfaux. Every player has an ID number and they use it when registering for the tournament and the tournament organizer inputs these into the system when they hold the tournament and the system also records the results and such things so it's also a tournament organization solution.

So almost all Infinity tournaments are "official" Infinity tournaments.

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Torsul has pretty much nailed all the possible reasons why battle report writing is relatively rare (and Joel additionally pinpoints why I'm not up there competing for top events ;)).  I would really like it if more people wrote about their experiences as I think that they're the best tool for sharing techniques in terms of practicality.  I will admit that I especially like it when I meet a fellow battle-report writer and get to read how the game looked from both sides; it is often surprisingly different.

For the OP, I believe that there is some data collected in the US rankings site.  I've seen some reports from Icemyn about their experiences at top US events, for example here.  I assume that you're looking specifically for USA data; there are other sources for rankings, results and reports in other regions.

Joel and Math Mathonwy - try using Bag O Tools. I'm lucky enough to play in the same area as Kai and Jamie so I see more of it, but basically it is the tool you describe.  In principle it should be possible (and even desirable) to have an output of the gathered data.

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