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Quick question on Asami TT


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So I fell in love with the aesthetics and background for Asami and while I am a gremlin player through and through I was thinking of picking her up, but don't want to buy into a whole faction. Aside from oni what (if any) are the essential purchases I should look at with her to be able to compete in friendly (though I am in a competitive meta) games. I have the brewmaster boxed set as literally my only 10t adjacent models (with filth oni coming courtesy of Black Friday sales).



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All the Oni have play with her,  Katamachi is an alternate totem for you that has play in certain builds.  So far some people like katanaka snipers with her.  I like Low river monks for healing.  Ten thunder brothers.  Perhaps Killjoy since Asami summons can be a delivery system for him.

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The Emissary with the generic conflux upgrade works well.  She will have a lot of minions running around and the positive flip on attacks helps counterbalance how greedy she is for cards.  If you feel like picking up another crew box, I'd got with Shenlong.  Sensei Yu makes everything better, and Shenlong himself can get some mileage out of most Oni, particularly the ever-glorious Obsidian Oni.

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59 minutes ago, Clockwork_Fish said:

and Shenlong himself can get some mileage out of most Oni, particularly the ever-glorious Obsidian Oni.

Could you elaborate? Are you using Shenlong to tag enemies with -flips or burning to help Flames From the Heavens hit? Haven't really considered Obsidian Oni when playing Shenlong, but I guess a couple of 6ss minions tossing 1/4/5 on straight or positive damage flips makes for a good argument.

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On 2016-11-10 at 6:15 PM, Nikodemus said:

Could you elaborate? Are you using Shenlong to tag enemies with -flips or burning to help Flames From the Heavens hit? Haven't really considered Obsidian Oni when playing Shenlong, but I guess a couple of 6ss minions tossing 1/4/5 on straight or positive damage flips makes for a good argument.

There's the ability to hand out burning on Shenlong, Yu, and High River Monks, but also the ability to push the Obsidian Oni where you want them to get the most use out of explosive demise.  They're also a good source of casting damage, which is sometimes handy.  I just find the Obsidian Oni to be an all round solid model for its cost.

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I usually play her with Tannen (helping summoning but replaceable), her totem (usefull for stack flicker on summoned onis), Ama No Zaku and Bettari (they're both charging as 1ap near Asami and Ama can output 7 damage as heavy, expecially when in focus +2). Then I often play something who can remove conditions as paralyze/slow (Chiaki) because Asami weakness is wp5.  With certain scheme in the pool you can also remove flicker from your summoned oni to negate interact scheme. Obviously you should have to buy all summonable oni too.

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