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Help with Lynch Crew


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Lynch is a good master to start with. Everything in his box is good and you only need a few more models to have him playable on a tournament level. He is also fairly easy to get a hang of, while still having access to a lot of nice tricks that you can learn over time. Good extra purchases for him would be Graves, Depleted and Beckoners. That way you can run a fairly strong crew with only thematic models.

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He was my first master and my favorite theme (card shark yo! Gambit4lyfe). When I picked him up I couldn't decide. So I went with a few choices for neverborn.


1. Depleted are awesome tarpits and a must have for Guard the Stash and other center board holders

2. Doppleganger offers a lot of support/versitility since she can take any ability off of your already nasty models.

3. Tannen and Graves. Tannen is a great utility control piece that can make it harder for your opponent to cheat or interact. Mr. Graves is a solid meat of a man that moves your models or positions your enemies. He has synergy with Tannen in his triggers. 

4. Beckoners are a decent model for Lures (pulling models where you want them) but I have been underwhelmed in practice. They look nice and fit his theme however. 


Another fan favorite are stitched together which are amazing models that some people like to use for the gambler random feel. I will also mention that Schemes and Stones (a malifaux podcast) is a good tool when you're trying to get ideas on how models interact and work. For example they bring up the idea of scheme runners such as Gups, Sulirids, and Terror Tots. Give it a listen and explore. 


Welcome to Malifaux! Bad things happen... 


PS: I play Ten Thunders Lynch now. 

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38 minutes ago, Xerri said:

Thanks Lucky :) yea i kinda picked him for the same reason card shark lol and will try them out. would you agree his not competitive or are my mates giving me shit?>?

Honestly? He has a small learning curve so he's great for a first master. I played my first tournament and ended up at I think -2 (after a crushing defeat from Levi). He's very competitive due to the hand control he has and the access to models and support of his crew without being the absolute most important model on the table. 


For your first few games, I recommend running him with Rising Sun limited upgrade which will allow Hungering Darkness (Huggy for short) to come back into the game after killing an enemy with brilliance. This makes up for some early mistakes and adds a degree of "Do I bother killing Hungering Darkness?" to the opponent. I lost him turn 3 at the start and got him back at the end of turn 3 turning the game to my victory of Pandora. 


You'll want to play any masters you pick up 5 to 10 times to get an idea of what you're working with. It took me about 5 to 6 games to really understand why I take certain models and learn when to activate. Overall? Competitive. 

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Lynch is awesome, he was my first Neverborn master - mostly because of looks and fluff though. He mostly works with card manipulation to get good hands to support your crew or deal out a lot of damage with one cast with 'Woke Up With A Hand'. The 'second' master, aka the Hungering Darkness (the real master, really) can be played two ways, with its +1 Ca AP or Rising Sun. I haven't used Rising Sun often because it forces you to work around the brilliance characteristic too much, IMO.

Speaking of which, dealing out brilliance is great and let's most darkened models (Lynch's theme) hit like trucks. However, I found that it is usually not a good idea to force it or build your game strategy upon. Brilliance can be dealt out in many ways and can be, well, brilliant (ehem), but don't get to focussed on it.

As far as models go:



- Illuminated: Staples for other NB crews as well. Resilient, hit very hard, are even nastier when exploiting brilliance

- Beckoners: A tad expensive for what they do most of the time and they rely on having enemy models have brillinace to get the most out of their abilities. If they haven't, you pay for those abilities anyway. However, they are good to move the opponent or your crew around and can actually move while luring with their trigger. Hence they provide nice opportunities for movement shenannigans (use Graves to push Beckoner, Graves walks up and possibly does his 0 action, Depleted activates and uses its free push towards Beckoner, Beckoner activates and lures Lynch + moves up 4, lures Depleted, moves somewhere else 4"). Oh, and they hand out Brilliance from a distance, but you need an extra Mask.

- Depleted: Nice little tarpit bombs. Can sometimes hand out brilliance more reliably than Beckoners. BE careful, they are only Peons (which can be an advantage) but they are very cheap for what they do.

- Stitched: Very fun, but I like them with Dreamer more. Can give you some protection vs. range.

- Graves: I use him alot. Great for pushes, resilient, OK-beatstick. But he isn't as tough as his card reads.

- Tannen: A tricky model, I honestly never take him. He can be good, but I never have the itch to put him in a list somehow


Out of Theme:

- Terror Tots: The reason they are great with Lynch is that he can recycle Aces. So once you get hold on to the Ace of Mask, you can always take the sprint action with your tots, giving you models that can move 20" with 2 AP.




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Well...embarassing, but that's what I get for giving advice from memory. Thanks for calling that out.

@Redline: This is actually funny (and a bit sad,too) - for when I learnt the game I connected Insignificant with Peon and must have never really looked at the Depleted's characteristics. Just kind of crossed them of as 'Well, they are Peons'.  Now it makes sense that people recommend them for Turf War, I've always wondered :P

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