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Zipp, excited speculation!


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So I recall Zipps entry saying he's excellent at supporting and repairing constructs. So the Iron Skeeters are probably constructs then...

Does that mean that Sparks, Mechanized Pork chop and Survivors have a place on the airship?!

They're some of the coolest models and I know kinda lackluster, but could this be a thing!?  

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From what I've seen Sparks will probably come along for the ride in my Zipp crews from time to time. He hands out fast to constructs and the skeeters have a way to hand out fast to ht 1 models with their zero action. Oh, and bring that model along for the ride. His aura could help bring the annoyance factor up to 11 in an already annoying crew.

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That is true...

I like the thematic view of it too, 

Sparks  would be the engineer (and judging by the survivors, also the medic)  on the ship.

Mechanical pig takes place of the parrot or monkey 


...now we just need a bard. :D



But for real.  I only knew what the malifaux masters page says,  so that's some awesome info. Fast to height 1? That's terrifying with Francois if it affects henchmen. Or healing with the haulers. Or Burt.

Dear God, Burt. 

Somer, skeeter, iron skeeter, Lenny and a high ram? Daaaaamn Lotta work but.

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On 8/7/2016 at 8:34 PM, Cthulhurising said:

...now we just need a bard. :D

Well we have Bajonista's now so that role is filled.

On 8/7/2016 at 10:46 PM, anumberone said:

 I think it's a tome that gets a fast, but I also think that Zipp's totem can pass out suits too similar to Sommer's skeeters.

Earl Burns (Zipp's Totem) can hand out a suit. His action is similar to Som'er's Do It Like Dis (which the Skeeters can cast as well) though his trigger ramps it up quite a bit (think Encouragement). To bad we can't use him with Som'er, though I think Zipp might be another Pigapult lover.

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Hello together! :)

Didn't wanted to start a new thread, because I think it fits in here very well.

A friend of mine jumped right into Malifaux and picked up Zipp as his first master during Gencon sale!

So while we are waiting for our order to arrive, are there any suggestions what he could buy in addition for his first crew?

I know that most of you didn't have a game with him until now, but maybe there are some ideas?

From what I've read Sparks and Survivors are probably good models for him. Unfortunately the Survivors are not out now and Sparks did not arrive until yet in my game store. I also gave him my alternate Bayou Gator.. no idea if this is a good addition but in this way he can assemble and paint something while waiting ;)

I thought maybe Slop Haulers would be good? Cause I read that there are alwasy very usefull...

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Sparks is a good starting point, but I'd probably aim for something that would have good use in other crews. I don't own sparks yet so I'm not sure where else he fits well. 

He could probably benefit from beaters mostly. He has scheme running and tricks covered on his own. Maybe a dedicated runner like Merris would be a good addition. 

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That would be what to have Sparks for. Construct up Burt so he can get the ram from Earl. If Lenny is nearby that's 3 built in critical strikes. Lenny might be a bit much for that combo, but it's theoretically possible. 

You can have 1 iron skeeter drag up burt and earl together, so you just need to get sparks in position at that point 

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You might get away without Slop Haulers for a bit actually, since Earl Burns & The First Mate can't be healed by them and you can heal Iron Skeeters with Earl if necessary (or give them Dirty Cheater if you really need them to live). They're probably still a really good pick though since you can have an Iron Skeeter cart one round to make up for its low Wk and hopefully give it Fast - a Fast Reckless Slop Hauler would be pretty great, either 2 Feed Piggies (up to 24 wounds healed in one activation!) or a feed piggies and a charge, or even just four attacks.

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Anyone used the first mate yet? I'm still a little curious what his role it. He's not exactly a beater and he's not exactly a scheme runner. He's sort of a piece that could do whatever is needed. A bit of damage a bit of scheming, but, does that make him a master of nothing? And Malifaux is pretty heavily defined by specializations.

I still haven't gotten him on the table yet >.< Been slowly putting models together @.@

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His preferred role feels like anti scheme runner. Give him a shove up the flank with Trixie or Zipps 0, hop onto a scheme runner and hopefully its marker, profit from removing said marker. Beat scheme runner to death. Then you've got the choice of using him to run schemes or jump into combat with an armor bonus. Theres a decent amount of slow triggers in the new wave so his paralyze swallow combo isn't impossible to set up. Menacing Croak is also pretty nice scenario control.

Though my only experience so far with the First Mate was bee lining him up field and jumping onto Raspys head so that she couldn't ice my crew from the comfort of her Lazy Boy. Raspy didn't get off a ranged attack all game.


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After I try my list and see if my idea works for zipps playstyle, I'll be able to let you know what I find out. But I think the Warpig, stuffed piglets and piglets are going to be a thing for zipps crew.

*maniacal laughter*


Basic thought is with sparks, Warpig  (hellllllo new Warpig upgrade) and mech pig, Sparks turns Warpig into a construct, armor 1 and fast. Warpig charges from Walking Rage Machine aura. 4 really angry attacks, or two charge and 1 big one. If Earl is nearby his aura will hurt as well.

Piglets get airlifted into enemy lines and given fast. Stuffed pigs too. (The 3" move, then damage two can literally blow up a stuffed piglets with set up where opponents can't react)

Oh. And a hog whisperer cause why not a reactivate warpig?

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