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Douglas Scoundrels

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Hey folks! I need some community feedback for my next podcast episode. I was wondering if you could help me out.


Basically, I just want to know what you'd come up with if you got to design another generic totem for the faction. You can get as specific as you want (stats/abilities/actions) or just throw out a general idea. The only restriction is that it has to be a peon.

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A combination of Mobile Toolkit and the Effigy.


Maybe something, that improves other units. Adding :+fate until the end of turn on one or more flips (attack, dmg, Df) or a +1 burning/poison to attack actions. It should have a good defense ability with a handicap, sth like "reduce any damage to 1, then the attacker may push this model up x", where x is the number of damage prevented." Also nice is "this model may not heal any Wd by itself or other models and is immune to any conditon given by other models."

As subtype it should be Spirit, Construct or Living, where Spirt AND Construct could be funny.

After a little brainstorming, here a suggestion:


Spirit of Engineering                               Peon, Spirit, Construct, Totem Costs 4

 Df Wp Wd Wk Cg Ht

  3   6    4    4   -   1



Df Scatterbrained: Reduce any Damage to 1, then the attacker may push this model up to x", where x is the number of damage prevented.

Unalterable: This model may not heal any Wd by itself or other models and is immune to any conditon given by other models.


Attack Action:

(1) Glimpsing Kiss By A Muse (MI 6/ Rst: Df/ Rg :melee 1):  Target suffers 1/1/1 damage. After succeding this model may be pushed up to the Wk printed on the Stat Card of the damaged model.


Tactical Action:

(1) Flash Of Genius (Ca 5/ TN: 12/ Rg 12): This action may only be taken once per activation. Place a Scrap Marker in base contact with target model.

:tome Inflaming Idea: Until the end of turn, the target adds + 1 Burning to all of its attack actions.

:crowInspiring Dance: Until the end of turn, the target adds + 1 Poison to all of its attack actions.

:ram Physical Power: Until the end of turn, the target gets :+fate to its damage flips.

:mask Mental Power: Until the end of turn, the target gets :+fate to its attack flips.

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This is tough, each master has a totem that fits them well and between the Essence of Power, Arcane Effigy, and Mobile Tool Kit there is a lot of ground covered by cheep utility pieces. So how about something like this:

Timmy, the orphan and M&SU mascot    COST 3

Peon, Living, Totem, M&SU 

Df Wp Wd Wk Cg Ht

4   4    4    4    -   1


Insignificant, Manipulative x

Just a child: If this model takes only walk actions it does not count as having activated for the purposes of Manipulative.

If he can fight so can we!: Minions and M&SU models within :aura4 have Hard to Kill


ATTACK ACTIONS________________

(1) Rocks (MI 3 / Rst: DF / Rg: :ranged6 or :melee1): Target suffers 0/1/2

TACTICAL ACTIONS______________

(2) Union Song (Ca 5 / TN: 15 / Rg :aura6): This ability must declare triggers if able.

  :mask Which side are you on?: Friendly Minions and M&SU models in range receive :+fate to Wp duels

  :ram Will you be a lousy scab: Friendly Minions and M&SU models in range receive :+fate to Attack flips

  :tome Or will you be a man?: Friendly Minions and M&SU models in range receive :+fate to Damage flips

  :crow Workers can you stand it: Friendly Minions and M&SU models in range receive :+fate to Df duels


Something like this, there's plenty of room for tweaking from here. I was thinking of something I'd want to take in a henchman led game and like the idea of a scrappy boy who inspires others.

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I actually like the Essence of Power as a concept for a generic totem-it's themed to the faction as a whole rather than any generic master, and benefits any of them that are using Ca actions or soulstones. It just feels a little bit too restricted in having to remain immobile to boost Ca actions to quite be worth taking, especially for the masters that have a very good specific totem.

With this in mind, and accepting that a new generic totem is needed, I'd rather see the Essence of Power improved to be able to fill that role by changing it's (2) action to a (1), giving it some other means of moving, or simply increasing the range of it's aura. 


If I'm required to name a new totem rather than an improvement of the existing one, I'd like to see some sort of sinister Tome of Arcane secrets, either levitating under it's own mysterious intelligence or accompanied by an equally sinister keeper. However, it would probably end up being very similar in it's role during the game to the Essence of Power, so it feels somewhat redundant.

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On 8/2/2016 at 7:11 AM, Dereikt said:

With this in mind, and accepting that a new generic totem is needed, I'd rather see the Essence of Power improved to be able to fill that role by changing it's (2) action to a (1), giving it some other means of moving, or simply increasing the range of it's aura. 

I agree. I'd implement some changes to our existing Essence of Power rather than creating a new totem. I'd retain the focus on Ca Actions, but also provide some option to dick around with opponents:

4ss, Peon, Insignificant,

Df Wp Wd Wk Cg Ht

3   6    4    4    -   1



Spellcaster's Conduit:
Friendly Arcanist models within 4" of this model may add 2" to the Rg of all Ca Actions.

Spark of Innovation:
Once per turn, when a friendly Arcanist model within 4" Activates, Essence of Power may suffer 1 damage and gain the Slow condition to give that model the following condition until the end of it's Activation: Inspired: "This model's adds +1 to all Ca Actions until the end of the turn."

(1) Dissipate Magic - (Ca 5:tome / Rst: Wp / Rg: 12): Target model suffers 0/0/1 damage and gains the following condition until the end of its next activation: Nullified: "This model loses all inbuilt suits in Ca Actions, and when declaring Ca Actions, receives -1 to the duel total."

(2) Knowledge, At Any Cost (Ca 5:tome / TN 10:tome): If successful, sacrifice Essence of Power. All Arcanist models within 4" gain the following condition until the end of the turn: Erratic Insight: "This model receives -1 to all Ca Actions. If a Ca Action attack this model performs kills an enemy model, draw a card."
:tome:tome Impart LearningAfter performing this Ca Action, draw a card.

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