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Colette Showgirs and Poison

Bruder Ludwig

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Dear Forum Members,

first of all hello to all of you. I'm new to this forum and also the game. I really like the Showgirls an can't wait to paint them. Because I really want a thematic crew, I look for the options to deal damage by avoiding some models like Joss and Howard. After some rules and pull my finger studying. I wonder  whether they can do a good poison game. The idea is to use  perfomers, Myranda and the rattler. What so you think? Maybe the new poison gamins would also fit in.

what so you think of it?

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Personally, I'd probably take Marcus if I was to try and run a full poison crew. He has access to many other models with access to poison, not to mention he has more direct synergy with beasts than Colette would. Performers are great in just about any list.

The mechanic already exists with Mcmourning and I doubt it'll ever function as well as what he can do with it. That being said, I do think we've accumulated enough over the waves to make a list like this work decently enough. Time will tell how the new poison gamin will interact with poison, but I'm fairly certain they will make for good inclusions in this type of list. 

There are many who don't like scorpius, but I think it's an obvious inclusion. It has some great synergy with poison and the fact that it's both a beast and construct make's it a pretty versatile model in quite a few lists. 

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Interesting idea. 

I've occasionally tried to get a poison build to work using Scorpius with Rattler and Myranda, but I seem to spend to much time on setting it up. Poison is normally too slow to be a significant threat. You have to be careful that you don't spend all your time trying to apply poison and forget to score VPs.

As Jorden said, McMorning does something similar, but has a lot more available tricks to set it up, and gain from it. Things like Transfusion , area effect poison, multiple poison resolution and extra damage from poison all help him out. 



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thanks for your fast reply. Maybe I outline the idea a bit. Colette (maybe with doves and pp and the performers shoud give a good scheme game). the rattler is to apply poison and give the performers more sense in their poison removal. I haven't found the rules for the scorpion but will have a look at it.

the general idea is to run a Colette thematic crew and get more output from the performers. 

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58 minutes ago, Bruder Ludwig said:

I haven't found the rules for the scorpion but will have a look at it.

the general idea is to run a Colette thematic crew and get more output from the performers. 

The Scorpius is in Shifting Loyalties, it's a rare 1, 6ss, minion with lots of poison/slow shenanigans. Over all not bad with Colette but competing with lots of good stuff.

For the performer's siren call, I know it has "A sip of wine" built in but i see this mostly as a bonus that might be useful especially since it has two more triggers that you want to throw on to paralyze or get an extra attack in. So I'd say go ahead and include some poison dealers but make sure they are still useful otherwise. Like Myranda, she can dish out poison, pin models down and turn into a big beasty. Also remember that performers have Mi 6 and add the same poison as the rattler, I've surprised a few opponents with how hard they can hit.

Coryphee and the new ice dancers are also pretty good at dealing damage for a showgirl themed crew.

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Also if your trying to run Colette thematically, then the Oiran is also a consideration as they are both showgirls and have built in poison on their attacks (they are wave1 ten thunder mercenaries). Some people hate them and consider them one of the worst models (and probably for good reason). However their "No Witnesses" trigger can be hilariously effective in an all showgirl list. I've tagged Lady J with this trigger and watched her twiddle her thumbs when it came time to activate her. It's not something that makes them amazing inclusions, but I do find myself running them from time to time. 

So they are not a great source of poison, but they are fluffy and have some decent synergy with Colette in general. 

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Thank all of you for the input. At all, for the idea i guess one would need poison, to be included into shooting. I'm goning to take the poison as give away and will have a look until better models are released for the posion game.  But I really like your Orian idea. Just for my undrstanding why do people consider them as worst model. In total the high damage dealers are other models but the "trick" you mentionet seems to be extraordinary valid.

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Orian are great, I often take one though I can't imagine taking two. I think they draw comparison to Performers who have a higher melee stat, higher damage track, add more poison, and those great triggers on Sirens Call; all at one less soulstone after the merc tax. However the Orian brings an aura of +1 WP, the No Witnesses trigger as mentioned above and a proper 18" lure.

The Lure is the second reason people might not like Orian, it's casting 8 but needs a crowto go off and has no triggers. So you can reliably cheat one maybe two good lures, but Cassandra can copy it with understudy and stone for the crow if you absolutely need it to go off. Then once the enemy is close enough from your 18" lure(s) use the 12" Siren's Call to get them the rest of the way in to gang up on them with the rest of your showgirls.

I've killed/wounded a few snipers who thought they were safe on a roof about 20" from my girls, a walk and a lure with the 13 of crows proved them wrong with a fall for 3-6 damage.

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