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What's your tactic NOT to buy every faction? ;)


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Hmmm....as a total newcomer to the game this dilemma is of great interest to me....I lurked on here long enough before joining to know that I was going to be into the Neverborn and they're included in the starter set so all good so far....aah....but wait a moment...one trips worth of "ooh look at that" and "wow ! look at them" in the FLGS and I realise I'm already standing at the very edge of a slippery slope....that way lays chaos  Malifaux....

I am going to be ruthless with myself...if I buy it then it has to get painted...so that's how I have started....and now all I have to do is buy a much bigger paint table because from the look of all those extra boxes that migrated out of the store with me apparently I'm going to be spending a lot of time painting  :)


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On 6/14/2016 at 8:26 AM, Dogmantra said:

Gremlins are just The Best and so I only need them.

Playing on VASSAL a lot helps too, because it means that I have access to every faction if I ever get the urge to play something non-Gremlin.

Would you be willing to help a new player out and teach me how to play on vassel?

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1 minute ago, yipiyip said:

Well it's easy for me. I simply have no one who will play with me in NKY, so... Yeah. Sad day. But every time I wanna buy new models, I remember there's no point. ;-;

Eh, if you enjoy the models and the hobby aspect you can still enjoy Malifaux. I don't play as often as I would like but I enjoy painting, Vassal games, and occasionally having friends over to play. It does mean theres less pressure to buy more things, which results in a lot of indecisiveness when I do decide to pick up new stuff.

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8 minutes ago, Cinnamon Bear said:

Eh, if you enjoy the models and the hobby aspect you can still enjoy Malifaux. I don't play as often as I would like but I enjoy painting, Vassal games, and occasionally having friends over to play. It does mean theres less pressure to buy more things, which results in a lot of indecisiveness when I do decide to pick up new stuff.

Yeah, I just buy what looks cool. I love painting, but I also love the look of the game. Unfortunately, my nearest store that plays is much too far away. I still haven't actually played a game, only learned from the starter by begging/forcing my father to learn with me, and he's not exactly "into it" enough to play more.

I downloaded Vassel, but I'm still tripping my way through figuring it out. I'd hate to ask someone to take upwards of a few hours teaching me both Vassal AND Malifaux. So, for now, I just buy a guild box here, an outcast box there, and paint what looks cool. Even that is a huge cash sink @.@

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I'm not sure if I strategy really counts since using it I've still had to buy out of faction models.    My trick is pick a faction and only buy models that you could legally use in a game with that factions masters.   Unfortunately I picked the Neverborn faction and between Mercs and Zoraida I've had to buy minis from pretty much every faction.   But it still abides by the rule that if the Neverborn masters can't hire them, I don't buy the model.  

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