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TT Lynch "ManipuLyncher" Crew?


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So, new to the game here, and started with Lynch - primarily as Neverborn, but hey, he can play for both teams so I may as well use that to my advantage, right? :)


Anyhow, looking at some various synergies in his model options, I gained the possibly foolish notion of using the following Crew as a 'manipulating' sort of controller setup.. not sure how effective it wouldbe, but it feels thematic at least - and so I'd love feedback and advice on that score for future Lynch expansion into TT!



Ten Thunders

50ss Crew


Jakob Lynch -- 6ss

 +Woke Up With A Hand - 2ss

 +Endless Hunger - 2ss

 +Wanna See A Trick - 1ss


Hungering Darkness - 0ss

 +Addict - 1ss

 +Hidden Agenda - 0ss


Beckoner - 7ss


Beckoner - 7ss


Lust - 8ss


Oiran - 5ss


Oiran - 5ss


The Illuminated - 7ss


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This looks like the kind of crew that would likely get one or two kills turn one, only to drop dramatically in efficiency after that. Sure, you've got tons of lures, but those typically won't do much once everything is in the fray anyway. Both Beckoners and Oiran being kinda on the weak side of their SS-cost hardly helps either.

Better reasons for playing Lynch in TT would be Brothers and Shadow Emissary.

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I personally find Lynch to be most at home with his "Darkened" models.  This sort of crew that you listed looks ideal for strategies that don't require a lot of killing to win at (Interference/Reconnoiter, Extraction/Turf War, Guard the Stash, Squatter's Rights, Stake a Claim).  I'd suggest replacing one Beckoner for a 2nd Illuminated though.  There's a pretty big lack of staying power in this list, and I'm not sure if one Illuminated and Huggy are going to cut it. 

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I've played the Lure and Murder list before and 2 Beckoners are plenty for that. The issue is, you want to bring in one model and one model only a turn, so I don't see the benefit of Lust so much. Better to reinforce your front line: otherwise your opponent will just rush Lynch and the ladies, and none of them are great in that situation. 

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Lust has some really good movement and placement shenanigans, so I can see the benefit of that, depending on the mission.  Plus she has a 6" aura on her special ability (the widest of all auras amongst all the Crossroad 7).  I'd probably prefer Sensei Yu though instead, or maybe even 2 Depleted, depending on the mission.  From my experience, Lynch is great at Guard the Stash.  With a Depleted on top of each Stash marker, it would be hard for your opponent to deny you points on it.

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You should drop one luring unit for a Guild Pathfinder. His traps combined with the remaining three luring ladies works well. Also an exchange of an Orian or Becky into a Performer is an honorable mention, especially against Rezzers or other poison heavy crews.

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Welcome to Malifaux!

I'd agree that the Oiran are an unnecessary add if you want to use them for Lures; as @Skitt_Happens said, the Beckoners should be plenty for that. That said, Oiran can be useful and surprisingly durable scheme runners, especially with Hidden Agenda, but if you plan to use them just for scheme running, I'd argue that 10 Thunder Brothers are a better choice.

You might even consider swapping a Beckoner for a Performer; they're cheaper (even with the mercenary "tax"), and have some nice extra abilities (Don't Mind Me is great for Strategies like Headhunter, and Seduction is a fantastic way to get rid of unwanted enemy Scheme markers). Plus, there may be times when you want the opponent to take a Push rather than a regular move. It's easy to focus everything around Brilliance synergy, but I haven't found it to be that important; my main use for Brilliance is having Lynch give it to an enemy model via Play for Blood, then delete that model with some combination of Final Debt and his handgun. Not saying the Brilliance approach doesn't work, but as a new player, you should be aware that it's not necessary for Lynch to shine.

If you haven't yet, I'd highly recommend listening to the Schemes and Stones episode about 10T Lynch; it gave me a lot of great ideas and information. Before We Begin also has a good episode on him. Both of these are good tactical podcasts and I recommend adding them to your listening list if you're into that sort of thing. 8-)

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In agreement with lack of staying/hitting power overall.  That being said, there's some nice tricks that are present here that could be used to compensate for the staying power. But the lack of hitting power is a thing (yes I think an illuminated, huggy and lynch are too light on hitting power hahaha). 

The problem for me is that you have 5 lures, 3 punchers. I think I'd like to see a more even spread of 4 lures and 4 punchers. But I kind of like the idea of Lynch using his "brilliance" to hire a variety of... professionals, we will say, to selectively eliminate his targets.

So here's just a fun idea I might run myself, that takes your original list with a couple of minor tweaks:

Jakob Lynch -- 4ss
 +Woke Up With A Hand - 2ss
 +The Rising Sun - 2ss
Hungering Darkness - 0ss
 +Recalled Training - 1ss
 +Hidden Agenda - 0ss
Beckoner - 7ss
Lust - 8ss
Oiran - 5ss
Performer - 6ss
The Illuminated - 7ss
The Lone Swordsman - 8ss
 +Recalled Training - 1ss

I really like the flavor of the four different lures, and each lady brings something different to the table. So I wanted to keep all three in but adding the performer, thus only really denying your list one lure. The performer I could on for days about how good that model is for five (six with merc tax) points. But suffice it to say, it's good. Being able to blow up enemy scheme markers is already worth the price of admission. The effect it can provide is just gravy. And while the lure isn't as potent (much like the oiran's), it's situationally awesome.

To round out the hitting power, Lone Swordsman gets past all those nasty things like armor, hard to wound, hard to kill, soulstone use, negative flips... whatever you need (as long as you have the correct suit that is ;-) ). But where he really shines is that his reactivation can discard aces to not hurt your hand for lynch's final debt. AND because you can lure and position as necessary, you can setup the perfect charge and obliteration.

I dropped the Wanna see a trick to bump the SS cache up to 4, the absolute minimum i've been running lynch with as of late. You could even drop recalled training to go up to 5, but that one turn of reactivating, recalled swordsman nuke is always amazing :D

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