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If you could only take one master to a tournament


What master would you take?  

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The major limitation on Zoraida is how people play her.

She isn't a beat stick so don't expect her to be.

Sure she can hand out amazing condition spam and damage with doll mechanics, obey for 1pt charge (which is marvelous) and bring in waldgiest for cover and survivability but her strengths are more in line with what she can do for your schemes and to deny your opponent.

Repulsive pushes models away which is great for denying any scheme or strat that requires models within "x" 
Fickle winds of fate can either deny your opponent scoring on schemes or ensure your schemes score.
Bewitch is probably my weakest point as I rarely use this ability but stacking your hand gives you plenty of resources to play with.
Animal form makes entourage a walk in the park (if you understand how to use cover effectively).

I personally find that Zoraida is my go in tournament and since 2.0 dropped I have used her in 3/6 tournament rounds as Gremlins and 1/3 as neverborn and she has always performed well.

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On 13 June 2016 at 6:57 AM, Math Mathonwy said:

Have you considered that there might be your problem :P 

Let me tell you friend. I have many a problem but I don't think Gremlin Zoraida is it!

Flinging Obey's around in a faction that is already very AP efficient is worth the price of entry alone. Hence why I like her in scenarios such as Headhunter or Squatters, where AP is at even more of a premium than normal. She isn't flashy but she gets the job done. Carrying on with that trail of thought, I find she is very good at denying schemes to people. Those based on killing the Leader can be hard against her, since she can be pretty quick and tends to hang back. Taking her with Animal Shape (my preferred out of the two limiteds) basically guarantees Entourage.

As for the Doll and Bewitch, I guess I've never had a situation where those have been better options than just getting a good Gremlin to do another good thing. Gremlins don't struggle at killing things and going the roundabout way to do that via Doll (to me, at least) seems like a chucking away a good chunk of one turn for Zoraida. As for Bewitch ... well, I just have bad luck drawing cards! kek

When it comes to out of faction hires, I only really rate PaPa because taking him and Pere seems alright. Nurses I find tend to get left behind the rest of the far quicker crew. The Neverborn Swampfiends tend to have better options in Gremlins (there was a time when Sillurids in Gremlins was in vogue, I'll never understand why) or not worth it altogether (JuJu). A case could be made for Waldgeists, but I don't seem myself using anything else on the upgrade. If you're looking to play her in faction, I'd just search for a spare blister of her from V1.

Zoraida is an interesting case in Gremlins. A lot of our Masters do pretty flashy things, where as Zoraida is less flash and more efficient. She (quite rightly) feels different. I think she has a place, but she is at her best when considered alongside other Masters and taking them as a group. Playing mono Master (unless for fun sakes) is a folly in a game designed around faction play.

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  • 6 months later...

Hi guys! I am gonna agree with all of the posts tbh. Great points! I personally have played with all gremlin masters except zoraida and zipp. And i run now exclusively only somer and mah. Mainly because of the esthetics  (because they are ht 2 compared to the reat ht1 crew xD) but also because of their skills and abilities. I will go in a single master tournament on weekend and i will bring mah. I chose her over somer because she is more aggressive and she can mess faster with the opponent. Otherwise somer is the king of generalism. So you cannot go wrong with him. Mah is pretty adaptable as well but in a different way. She can reposition your crew during the game.

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