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Daw + Child


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I'm borrowing this topic from another thread where it was mentioned that Malifaux Child is pretty commonly seen with Daw, because by copying Feel Their Torment to duplicate any Tormented action. I'm curious though how often people actually do this, because Feel is already an 8 to cast, turning it up to 11 to cast with the Child. How often are people really finding themselves in a situation where it is worth it to burn an 11 to have this go off?

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the 42% to get the action done without cheating is not that bad...

The real problem - I believe - is to be within range of the tormented. The 8" range is super short...and malifaux child is often in the back, far from the action and it's hard to choose the model you want to do the AP.

I've never tried it, I don't think it worths

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Its almost always only going to be cast on the first turn, and often when you expect to not be hugely pressured by your opponent, so the use of an 11 that turn isn't a huge waste. 

To gain the free push each turn, and good abilities for Jack to copy, and even the possibility to gain extra ap on the target (thanks to Jacks (0) action on twist and turn) can make that 11 a worthwhile investment. 

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I can see where Twist and Turn is worth it in general, mostly for the (0) Obey. But with the Child needing an 11 to copy the action... even if it is the first turn, if I have an 11 I probably want to hold onto it. I've had too many lousy turn 2 draws to be casual about dumping good cards from turn 1.

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I've tossed around the idea a few times, but it's really tough taking the child over the lady. Being able to turn off cheating can completely cripple an opponent and often makes Ligeia top priority to kill. The more I use her the more I see her as one of the most dangerous totems in the game.

The only really interesting thing I've thought about with using the child was to get Daw to copy Monty's Comfort in fear, then have the child use twist and turn to also copy Comfort in fear. If Monty himself also uses Comfort in fear then you can have it stack three times, meaning opponents will be taking 6 damage for passing horror duels which in most cases models will more likely want to fail than pass.

The problem is that it requires a string of activations, lots of AP, and for a model to be within range of all three models to work. It sounds like a lot of fun if you can actually pull it off, but competitively I don't see it as a very viable tactic. 

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22 minutes ago, Jordon said:

I've tossed around the idea a few times, but it's really tough taking the child over the lady. Being able to turn off cheating can completely cripple an opponent and often makes Ligeia top priority to kill. The more I use her the more I see her as one of the most dangerous totems in the game.

The only really interesting thing I've thought about with using the child was to get Daw to copy Monty's Comfort in fear, then have the child use twist and turn to also copy Comfort in fear. If Monty himself also uses Comfort in fear then you can have it stack three times, meaning opponents will be taking 6 damage for passing horror duels which in most cases models will more likely want to fail than pass.

The problem is that it requires a string of activations, lots of AP, and for a model to be within range of all three models to work. It sounds like a lot of fun if you can actually pull it off, but competitively I don't see it as a very viable tactic. 

Hear, hear!

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The very specific use of "just like you" that you've highlighted is just one way you can use the child with ol' Daw. Both of his attacks are also casts, and the child comes with a heal and manipulative 15. for 2ss, you won't find a better bargain. I personally would just run lady ligeia though, as she can also make models tormented and if she gets to do her thing shes suuuuuuper annoying to deal with.

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I'm more and more coming to the notion (after 5 plays of Jack) that the Child is nice to toss in as a 2SS extra activation but that if you've got the extra 2 SS, Ligeia's probably a better take in general.  For the most part, my Child was just that model that took me from 7 activations to 8 activations (which isn't a bad thing at all in its own right) and given that I was running a strapped for SS crew with base cache, I couldn't take Ligeia without sacrificing an essential Jack upgrade or a model.  


I've really only had the Child be directly useful twice in the five games where I played him, once when he healed a Nurse who'd taken a pounding and a second time when he, Hannah, and Jack all borrowed Whispers from Beyond from the Hanged to slice up a crew of elites.  I think he gets a fair amount of utility, though, from providing that cheap extra activation and from providing the threat of Just Like You!, even if you may not have the card for it in hand, so I don't think I'd advise *against* taking him.  He's worth the 2 SS.  To me, though, it's clear why Ligeia, by comparison, is worth the 4.

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