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Starting up Malifaux not sure which crew to get


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Hi all! I'm new here. I've been checking out Malifaux, but last weekend I made an immediate impulse buy when I saw the stitched together models. I've grown more and more curious about the game itself as a result. I am by no means a stranger to war gaming, so based on some very brief wiki/strategy research and my liking of the models, I think I've narrowed down what I might get to three crews: Nicodem, Collodi, and Yan Lo.

I loved all of the creepy dolls and stuff as soon as I saw Collodi's set, and I know that the stitched are supposed to work with him. I like Nicodem because of his spamming with zombies and stuff, and I like Yan Lo because of the whole Asian horror type thing. Really stuck on picking between the three, and I don't super understand the game, so *basically I was hoping for some clarification on the power level and gameplay of these three crews. Many thanks!

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So, take these with a grain of salt, as I don't actually play these masters (though I've played a lot against Nico), but here's my thoughts based on what I've been able to pick up while researching. If you want to read on the mechanics of them, the Malifaux wiki is here: https://pullmyfinger.wikispaces.com/ . I'll put the master specific links below.


Nicodem (https://pullmyfinger.wikispaces.com/M2E+Nicodem) is probably not the best starting master. His summoning pool is giant, and a lot of his power comes from knowing what to summon when, in which reading the situation is key. That takes a bit of time to get under your belt. Also, he's expensive as hell because he need so many models, many of which are from other crews. Also, can't used the Stitched Together since it's a Neverborn model and not a mercenary.

Yan Lo (https://pullmyfinger.wikispaces.com/M2E+Yan+Lo) has a lot of his power coming from his repositioning tools, and proper positioning is probably one of the hardest things to learn in this game. He'll have a decent learning curve, but not insurmountable. He also can't used Stitched Together for the same reasons as Nico.

Collodi (https://pullmyfinger.wikispaces.com/M2E+Collodi) I probably know the least about, but I think he might be your best bet. He's the only one of the three that can use the Stitched, and because their puppets he can probably use them better than anyone. He's got some Obey mechanics to make your models or your enemy models take extra actions of his choice, and ways to keep himself alive.

All of them are going to have their own strengths and weaknesses, but I don't know that any are objectively better than others. Just whatever seems the most fun would be your best bet.


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If you like the creepy doll aspect, 100% go for Collidi. It's his thing. His box, plus two Coryphee sets (so you can have one set based individually on 30mm bases and one set based together on a 50mm base, which is an ability they have), a pack of Wicked Dolls and the Stitched Together you already have will give you plenty of stuff to play around with in an animated dolls themed crew.

His playstyle is basically as the puppeteer of the other dolls in his crew.

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29 minutes ago, -Loki- said:

two Coryphee sets (so you can have one set based individually on 30mm bases and one set based together on a 50mm base, which is an ability they have)

Coryphee can only form a duet when they are hired in archanists. They aren't bad on their own though.

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First, Welcome to Malifaux :)

Next, a bit of general advice. I'd start with reading the decriptions of the factions on the wiki, (scroll down a bit and there's a good description of each master too) I find that they're a bit more accurate than the descriptions on Wyrds own page. Then I'd recommend that you read up on the masters you find interesting, both on the wiki and on the faction forums, there are several stickyed threads with master specific tacticas.

If there's a minion that you want for your crew and its included in a masters starter box, its almost always a better deal to pick up the masters starter box. You'll rarely need more than 3 of any given minion (which is the usual number of minions in a master starter box), totems and henchmen from the starter boxes arent sold seperately and, as many on these forums can attest, its very likely that you want to play lots of masters at some point.

I'd also recommend that you stick to one faction and 1-2 masters to begin with. Sticking to one faction widens your hiring pool and makes it easier to get the most out of your chosen master(s). In my opinion sticking to 1-2 masters makes it easier to learn the game. There's lots of things to keep track of as Strategies and Schemes are generated for each individual game, so if you stick to a specific master and a good core crew, you'll soon learn the capabilities of your models and then you can focus on figuring out which models are best for the different Strats and Schemes.

There's a great online crew builder, which I've found helpful for playing around with crew compositions and planning purchases.

Finally a bit about the models and masters you've expressed interest in.

Nicodem doesnt have to be played as a summoner (though it is his standard operating mode), he can work just as well as a support master who buffs an elite crew. The latter approach requires fewer, but generally more expensive (both in soul stones and cash), models. You can in fact switch between the summoner and support role during a game, buffing something you've summoned in or summoning in something to help your elite crew.

I dont know much about Yan Lo but if you like asian and horror, he does (at least visually) sound just right for you. He likes models with the Ancestor and Retainer traits, like Toshiro, Yin, Izamu and the stuff that comes in his starter box. He can be used in both the Ressurectionist and the Ten Thunders faction, all the Ancesters and most of the Retainers are dual faction too, so you can use them in both factions.

I mentioned buying master starter boxes to get minions, this is actually relevant when you're looking at Nicodem and Yan Lo. Nicodem can summon the Ashigaru that come in Yan Lo's box and Yan Lo can hire the Punk Zombies from Nicodems box (though its more likely that you'll give Toshio an upgrade, that lets him summon the Punk Zombies). Chiaki can be useful in many Ten Thunders (generally for condition removal) and Ressurectionist crews (any that worries about conditions and/or uses Nurses).

As for other models, Nicodem likes just about everything in the Ressurectionist faction... but Izamu is a popular choice for both masters, as Yan Lo can teleport him around the table (and return him to play, if he's killed) and Nicodem can heal and buff him. Check out the wiki pages, the tacticas on the Ressurectionist and Ten Thunders forumsfor more info on which models are good with each master.

Collodi is part of the Neverborn faction, which is the faction where most of the creepy dolls come from. Zorida (master) has a voodoo doll, The Dreamer (master) can summon Stitched Togethers and Teddys (a bit creepy teddy bear), and the Widow Weaver (henchman) can take an upgrade that lets her summon Wicked Dolls and Teddys.

There's a lot more to Neverborn that creepy dolls though, but I dont play that faction (yet) so I'll let others tell you more about it :)


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6 hours ago, -Loki- said:

If you like the creepy doll aspect, 100% go for Collidi. It's his thing. His box, plus two Coryphee sets (so you can have one set based individually on 30mm bases and one set based together on a 50mm base, which is an ability they have), a pack of Wicked Dolls and the Stitched Together you already have will give you plenty of stuff to play around with in an animated dolls themed crew.

His playstyle is basically as the puppeteer of the other dolls in his crew.

As noted, Coryphee can't form a duet when used by Collodi. Furthermore, his box comes with three Wicked Dolls so I definitely would advice against getting more as an initial purchase.

Collodi is a very powerful Master. He can order around his own dudes and buff them but also cause lots of grief for the opposition. He is also extremely difficult to kill under normal circumstances.

He likes all of the Effigies since they all have different buffs that Collodi can then share among his Puppets. Unfortunately Effigies all come in separate boxes so are a bit expensive. I would suggest starting with Brutal and then either Hodgepodge or Arcane (or both, if funds allow).

And those Stiched Togethers will absolutely shine under him.

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image.jpgSweet! Thanks for all of the replies and advice! Took me a bit to look at all of the tactica and go over rules more, but I think I'm defiantly gonna get Collodi, and then start an Ancestor based force with Yan Lo. Methinks I will get Collodi, coryphee and another set of wicked dolls to start. Btw here are pictures of my stitched if anyone was interested :D

*also how do I upload multiple photos?

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20 hours ago, NpSkully said:

I'm defiantly gonna get Collodi, and then start an Ancestor based force with Yan Lo. Methinks I will get Collodi, coryphee and another set of wicked dolls to start. Btw here are pictures of my stitched if anyone was interested :D

Sweet Stitched!

I would really advice against getting more Wicked Dolls. They are a bit situational and the three you get in Collodis box is plenty. At the very least, play a few games with just the three and only then decide if you want more. I would strongly suggest getting a Brutal Effigy (or Hodgepodge or Arcane) instead.

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