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Does Levi shut down Tara buries?


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I played Tara for the first time against Levi tonight, and if I understand the mechanics correctly Levi pretty much shuts down her bury tricks just by existing. If he has sacrificed himself and is buried, Tara cannot bury any models. You could bury a model with Hannah or a Death Marshal if you happened to hire them, but not Tara. If you do bury a model while Levi is on the board, as soon as he kills something (and it is Levi, so he will) the model pops back out and Levi probably sacrifices himself blocking any further buries. 

Do I have this interaction right? 

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Yes, as do Bete Noir and Killjoy while they are buried, or the Brutal Emmisary if he buries something, well, anything that buries pretty much does the same thing, thats why you take void wretches and/or Aionus to smack whatever is clogging up the buries.

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13 minutes ago, Durza said:

Yes, as do Bete Noir and Killjoy while they are buried, or the Brutal Emmisary if he buries something, well, anything that buries pretty much does the same thing, thats why you take void wretches and/or Aionus to smack whatever is clogging up the buries.

Exactly :)

If you play Levi vs Tara, you will want to Bury Levi at the end of turn, so Tara and her "freinds" won't hurt him. Aionus is hard counter to Levi and Dreamer becasue he can target them when they leave table. 

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Yes if Leveticus is Buried, you can't bury things with glimpse the Void

On the upside, if you are going with a largely bury themed Tara Crew, then you can attack a buried Levi and kill him. And even if he doesn't die, taking away a bunch of his wounds before he activates will deny Channels, and if you win Initiative making it much easier to re-bury him without him activating, (and so taking one of his lives).

So whilst Levi might change the way you have to play the crew, you change the way levi wants to play as well. 

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Unfortunately I had planned to use her buries to move my own models into place and the like, so I didn't have a lot to attack him. If he had Killjoy or Bete my plan had been to just unbury them and take control, but since you can't do that to Levi it pretty much meant the end of my burying plans and Tara turned into a glorified scheme runner / action battery. It was my first game with Tara, and while I get that she is a tricky master with a steep learning curve, I was thoroughly underwhelmed. Particularly compared to Levi who just systematically dismantled my crew.

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Things a Tara (box set) crew can do to a buried Levy.

1. Void wretches can attack him

2. Karina can set him on him

3. Karina can make him slow (or fast if you want the void wretches to be more potent, but a fast Levy is scary).


I think Aoinus is a great pick to add to a Tara crew if your opponent declared Outcasts. He also loves Karina to make a buried slow so he can beat the tar out of him.

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It sounds like if you have any plans to use buries, and you think your opponent has access to any kind of bury tech, your build has to skew pretty heavily towards Tara's themed crew. Otherwise you end up in the position I was in last night, where your opponent basically dictates when and how your buries can be used. 

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The nothing beasts' free upgrade Void Shield does still allow you to bury your own stuff with pull the void triggers and can accomodate a tara bomb reload, but its not going to be around every time as you can also break the upgrade to reduce damage on the nothing beast.

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3 minutes ago, Khoregard said:

The nothing beasts' free upgrade Void Shield does still allow you to bury your own stuff with pull the void triggers and can accomodate a tara bomb reload, but its not going to be around every time as you can also break the upgrade to reduce damage on the nothing beast.

That is not accurate. 

It works the other way. Let's you use glimpse the void despite Friendly models being buried. 1 buried enemy model still stops glimpse the void.

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