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Beatstick Masters

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So i'm thinking of either starting a new faction or expanding my ressers faction with a new master.

I currently play Nicodem and someone suggested that my new master should be opposite to my current support master.

So with that in mind, can someone give me a list of the beatstick ded killy masters.

Doesn't matter which faction just a list will do :)


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Hi maddan, I can think of a few!

- Ophelia: she's the killiest of the Gremlins. She was my first crew ever, and I've never gone wrong with her.
- Lilith: that greatsword is naaaasty
- Pandora: a more subtle beatstick, but with a couple of Sorrows around she can quickly kill anybody with just 1 or 2 Wp duels. 
- The Viktorias: full melee, essentially two masters in one, they are probably the killiest and most fragile of all Malifaux masters. Glass cannons.
- Leveticus: unbury, kill you, bury myself again. One of the most ruthless beatsticks.
- Rasputina: wanna blast everything to very small (frozen) pieces?
- Kaeris: see above, but replace ice with fire
- Seamus: the single nastiest attack in Malifaux, that flintlock. The Killer by definition.
- McMourning: again, slightly subtle definition of beatstick, but expunging that Poison +8 all in one go can kill a great deal of things...
- Perdita: bang! You're dead.
- Lady Justice: the killiest master of all Malifaux. Essentially a moving Blender. Don't even get close.
- Sonnia Criid: another fire witch, even though mechanics is different from Kaeris.

That's it, at a first glance. Obviously, as you might know, Guild is a very brutal faction with many brutal masters, Gremlins is also high damage output but in a different way, Outcasts can also be very brutal, especially the Viks, while Arcanists and Neverborn tend to be more subtle. Ten Thunders...I don't know, I don't think any Ten Thunders master is properly a beatstick, the faction just doesn't work that way.

Hope it helps and good luck!

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58 minutes ago, edopersichetti said:

That's it, at a first glance. Obviously, as you might know, Guild is a very brutal faction with many brutal masters, Gremlins is also high damage output but in a different way, Outcasts can also be very brutal, especially the Viks, while Arcanists and Neverborn tend to be more subtle. Ten Thunders...I don't know, I don't think any Ten Thunders master is properly a beatstick, the faction just doesn't work that way.

- Misaki: Intercontinental ballistic missile. Takes out just about everything she sets her eyes on. Can be send to take out one key unit in the heart of an enemy crew or skitter from one unit to the next leaving behind a trail of corpse markers. 

- Lynch: Naturally paired with Huggy, they're a tagteam of pure damage output. Averaging at about 4-5 damage a hit, especially with their easy to reach triggers and godly hand manipulation ensuring a handful of high cards, they can easily kill a unit a turn each. 

- Mei Feng: To a lesser degree. She's mostly a brawler who can tie up groups of units and lay on some serious hurt, but doesn't fare quite as well against huge units. 

I honestly don't get how you could leave them out of a list of beatsticks; especially Misaki and Lynch are designed around dealing huge amounts of damage.


More on topic though; I would stick to Ressers, simply because the models you'd get from and for your new crew could easily fill up the other and vice versa. If you keep jumping factions it'll be hard to build up a dynamic model base.

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2 hours ago, edopersichetti said:

- Lilith: that greatsword is naaaasty
- Pandora: a more subtle beatstick, but with a couple of Sorrows around she can quickly kill anybody with just 1 or 2 Wp duels. 

Lilith isn't a beatstick. She's a guerilla fighter - usually the last thing you resort to is swinging that sword.

Pandora can do massive damage - if the opponent is also a beatstick. If their ranged and melee attacks are weak, her attacks are weak, since they use the enemies damage tracks. Causing death through WP duels isn't being a beatstick.

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Lol guys, ok you hated my post :D

I mostly spoke out of my personal experience: @Tokapondora I don't play TT so I'm not 100% sure, I have played against Misaki once and didn't impress me that much. Sure, she jumps back and forth and is very hard to pin down, but then so is, say Mah Tucket, and I left her out on purpose. I wouldn't call her exactly a beatstick, even if that wooden spoon hurts! :)
Lynch yeah, great damage output, but I guess he really is not a beatstick, he's support + deck manipulation, and huggy does the damage for the most part. Sure he can discard his hand and chuck a lot of damage at you (got 7 straight damage on my Emissary in my last game...and goodbye Emissary) but I don't know, I think I imagine him more as a manipulator than a beater.
Mei Feng, well, I guess she's kind of average damage dealer for a master, so as you say, to a lesser degree. I was trying to concentrate purely on the "brutal" killers a la Lady J or Seamus. Obviously, every master in Malifaux can hurt you, even Brewmaster or Zoraida if they need to, but that's not the point :P

@-Loki- Ok, you are right saying that Lilith is a guerrilla fighter, but certainly a 3/4/6 greatsword with positive flips (or +1 dmg for Sudden Darkness) is pretty deadly. The only reason why you wouldn't use her as a beatstick is that she is very vulnerable, but then, so are the Viktorias, and I definitely consider them a beatstick! We could spend our debating what is the best use for Lilith, she is probably more valuable to her crew than the Vikis (every single game I've played against the vikis, they both died ;) ) but I do think she hurts! 
As for Pandora, note that the first thing I wrote is that she is not a "beatstick" in the conventional sense, but I think her damage output can be crazy so she fits in the "high damage dealers" category. She can self-harm/self-loathing enemies that have a high damage spread, but sucking out life with Misery is, at least for me, her main damage output and it can be massive! I guess the definition of "beatstick" is not universal ;)

In the end, I agree with @Tokapondora, and every Malifaux player would tell you this, sticking with one faction is the way to go. It is very easy to integrate models from different crews, and some models are specifically designed to be perfect "Wild Cards" (for ressers, think Rotten Belles for example). I only picked up another faction when I had already 5 Gremlin masters. So probably get Seamus? He is real nasty and the three belles you get in his box are as good as gold, if you don't have any already.

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1 hour ago, edopersichetti said:

every Malifaux player would tell you this, sticking with one faction is the way to go.

Sticking with one faction is the way to go if you have budget and time contraints. I prefer getting all the things.

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4 hours ago, edopersichetti said:

Kaeris: see above, but replace ice with fire

Kaeris' damage is rather middling (though she is quite good against some specific targets, e.g. Riders). Her selling point is in my opinion her support (card draw, healing, scheme markers), most of which require careful positioning and activation order.

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I'd go with Seamus or McMourning if you have any interest in sticking to Ressers. They're both very different to Nicodem, they can do lots of damage personally and they are very mobile. As an added bonus Nicodem can make good use the minions in the other starter boxes.

In Neverborn the Dreamer isnt much of a beatstick, but he's very mobile, and if you go with the Restless Dreams upgrade you get Lord Chomby bits with Melee Expert... which is a very good beatstick.

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7 hours ago, Myyrä said:

Sticking with one faction is the way to go if you have budget and time contraints. I prefer getting all the things.

Lol most of us do I think :D

I guess if you have only two masters, it makes more sense to have them in the same faction, at least you can integrate the models. Then when the Malifaux fever settles...you eventually get to all things ;)

I started with Ophelia, got a few more Gremlins, then started branching out with Pandora, then got a few more Neverborn...now I have all Gremlins and all Neverborn (apart from Lucius) and I just started Outcasts (with Leveticus) :D

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Yeah i'll probably get McMourning (as i just got his alt card with my henchman pack) and i might get Lilith for my girlfriends Neverborn crew (she already has Pandora)

But yeah with Nicodem i probably should get all the masters to get the minions that he can summon from the crew boxes. Thanks guys

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