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drowned undertow question


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It works best with a model or two that can lure. It will consume a large chunk of your crew so an summoning will have to work overtime to make up for this. Adtionally anything that moves your models can ruin your plans. I faced something similar to this and Taelor got lured in put them she hit one and knocked it back and then did the same to the other. Next turn i then charged in an killed one. So it is more of a situational trick that can be effective but shouldn't relied upon

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I think the Drowned are going to play very differently with Jaakuna (who I haven't used) and Ama No Zako.  Ama is more durable (as she should be) and I recently saw how dangerous she can be when she charges into someone and then drops her 0 action hazardous terrain.  Having some Drowned nearby to make it even more miserable and to punish anyone who tries to help the charge victim survive Ama is actually pretty nice.

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But in answer to the original question, no, I would not think Drowned generally worth it (compared to other minions) if there's no hazardous terrain and no way to generate hazardous terrain.  Only exception is if you're facing a Melee heavy crew combo'ed with a some marker-heavy schemes and even then I think there're probably better minions.

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I would say that if you think there will be a lot of Ml, then they are worth it. They have an almost un-ignorable armor 2 against ml models (since its not actually armor almost nothing ignores it) and a decent threat of putting out paralyse. 


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