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Hazardous terrain via abilities and disengaging strikes without LOS



melee.jpgHey guys, just getting back into the game a bit and a had a couple questions after reading the FAQ i just want to clear up.


First, Ama no and Jaakuna are stacking hazardous terrain next(ish) to each other according to question 31 in the FAQ for all purposes it seems they would just make one chunk of terrain? or is it possible to move (through a move action or lure etc) them through one and into another for two damage flips?

IE: if the auras overlap at all they are just making one flip or if there is a little gap does it make two


Second, I have a model engaged, my opponent summons a model to 'perfectly block' line of sight between the two and tries to move (the now blocked) guy out of my melee range...do I still get a disengaging strike?  Question 45 on the FAQ seems to make me think yes, even though the model is still 'blocked' LOSwise if he declares a move out of my melee range I still have a chance to disengage...?

movement in terrain.jpg

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1 hour ago, Cynon said:

Second, I have a model engaged, my opponent summons a model to 'perfectly block' line of sight between the two and tries to move (the now blocked) guy out of my melee range...do I still get a disengaging strike?  Question 45 on the FAQ seems to make me think yes, even though the model is still 'blocked' LOSwise if he declares a move out of my melee range I still have a chance to disengage...?

If you block line of sight (for both models), the model is no longer engaged.  Since the model isn't engaged, there's no disengaging strike to declare.

Remember the definition of engagement:


Models are engaged with each other if either model is within the engagement range of the other and at least one of the models has LoS to the other.

Followed by the disengaging strike rules:


If a model wishes to leave an enemy model's engagement range with a Walk Action, it must declare that it wishes to do so before moving. This may provoke a disengaging strike from the enemy model that the moving model is engaged with. Only Walk Actions provoke disengaging strikes, any other type of move or push will not.

So Model X and Model Y don't engage each other if neither X or Y can see each other.  That prohibits X and Y declaring disengaging strikes against each other.


How do you get "Yes" from FAQ question 45, anyway?


45) Q: If two models are engaged, and one of them wishes to take a Walk Action which will result in it no longer being in LoS of the model it is engaged with (without actually leaving the engagement range) will this provoke a disengaging strike?

A: No. Disengaging strikes only occur if the model intends to leave the engagement range. Although the models will no longer be engaged once their LoS to each other is broken, no disengaging strike occurs unless the model is also leaving the engagement range.

That's giving you an example of one of the ways in which a model can leave engagement without triggering a disengaging strike.  It's not the only way.


Edited by solkan
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21 minutes ago, solkan said:

How do you get "Yes" from FAQ question 45, anyway?

That's giving you an example of one of the ways in which a model can leave engagement without triggering a disengaging strike.  It's not the only way.


I got "yes" from the wording and the seeming stress of staying engaged.

I guess I was confused if leaving LOS constitutes leaving a models engagement range or the second line of sight is lost between the models the other can continue freely. 

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2 hours ago, Cynon said:

I got "yes" from the wording and the seeming stress of staying engaged.

I guess I was confused if leaving LOS constitutes leaving a models engagement range or the second line of sight is lost between the models the other can continue freely. 

The difference is being engaged when you declare the walk action. There's a difference between being engaged and being in a mdoel's engagement range. For example, you can be in a model's engagement range, but if there is no LoS between the two models, then they aren't engaged. For a disengaging strike to occur three conditions must be met, the first is that the two models must be engaged. The second is that the model moving (model A) is inside of the engagement range of the model that isn't moving (model B). The third is that model A is attempting to move outside of the engagement range of Model B.

So as for the two scenarios you have, in the first scenario with the corner, Blue would have to use 1 action to walk outside of LoS, while still being in Red's engagement range, and then use their second action to walk out of engagement range. For the second scenario, as soon as Green is summoned in, Blue is allowed to move freely because LoS was broken, thus breaking their engagement.

As for your Hazzardous terrain questions, you have A B and C correct.

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Just now, MalifauxVE said:

Sorry that use your post to ask this:

If Izamu (:melee3) is atacking an Bayou Gremling (:melee1) from a distance 2", can Izamu Walk away normally or generate a disengage strike?

He is engaged, but he can walk away normally because the Gremlin is not close enough to make the disengaging strike.

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8 hours ago, santaclaws01 said:

For a disengaging strike to occur three conditions must be met, the first is that the two models must be engaged. The second is that the model moving (model A) is inside of the engagement range of the model that isn't moving (model B). The third is that model A is attempting to move outside of the engagement range of Model B.

It is worth noting that model B also needs to be able to take that :melee action. Disengaging strikes aren't excempt to any normal rules governing taking :melee attack actions and sometimes models aren't able take that action even if the enemy model is within range and LoS.

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