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Shifting Loyalties


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The correct answer is which ever henchmen you want to use a lot over the next few weeks. Teh campaign forces you to use a very similar crew to compleet any of the missions, o all the henchmen will excel in some areas and struggle in others. 

You can make decent arguments for any of the henchmen to start your crew. As Freman said, if you are planning on getting a certain master, then your starting models will probably head you in that direction, but if you aren't planning on getting a master part way through, or you don't know who you might want, then  anyone should do. 

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IMO for shifting loyalties the 3 best henchmen to start out with in Neverborn are Candy, Barbaros and Angel Eyes. From there you can pretty much branch out wherever you want to. The more niche choices are Widow Weaver, Bad Juju, Huggy, and Vasilisa. To my thinking they tend to lock you into certain master choices(not that they have to, just that they are better utilized), which is fine if you want to run that way.  I'd be interested in seeing someone start a campaign with Spawn Mother.

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Huggy is not bad actually because he isn't wasted in the end if you don't use him (when you get a master he reverts to 0 pts). This can artificially drop your pool total and, if you do like Lynch, he does turn a fifteen stone blow into a much-less severe one compared to other Masters.


Candy would be my choice in the campaign though, without many targets she excels at control when it's lower model counts (i.e. early campaign times).

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DIdn't consider that about Huggy but it is very true. He is also one who can become devestating at low model games with his psuedo obey. I've heard more than once about how he managed a lucky shot that ended up decimating the opponent's crew. (Papa loco comes to mind)

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6 hours ago, enderwiggin said:

Huggy is not bad actually because he isn't wasted in the end if you don't use him (when you get a master he reverts to 0 pts). This can artificially drop your pool total and, if you do like Lynch, he does turn a fifteen stone blow into a much-less severe one compared to other Masters.

Candy would be my choice in the campaign though, without many targets she excels at control when it's lower model counts (i.e. early campaign times).

This ^ :P

5 hours ago, Mrbedlam said:

Didn't consider that about Huggy but it is very true. He is also one who can become devastating at low model games with his pseudo obey. I've heard more than once about how he managed a lucky shot that ended up decimating the opponent's crew. (Papa loco comes to mind)

Like I did with the Gremlin version of Papa Loco, Heed My Voice to take his super-powered attack (and apparently sacrifice himself afterwards :P).
Candy and Barbaros are indeed solid. I would, however, take either Huggy or Spawn Mother for the sheer amounts of fun. Too bad I don't have Spawn Mother, sooo...

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My biggest problem with spawn mother is how much set up she takes to be really worthwhile. You want her to hatch gupps on turn 3 or 4, which means she has to stay around that long. In the meantime you really need to start scoring schemes on turn 2 now with GG16. Meanwhile her other boon (extended charge range) means she needs to be centralized to get as many alpha strike models in her aura as possible. If she charges in, she doesn't have the defense to really stand up to a full on assault and the last thing you want is injuries on your leader model.

That being said, I would maybe take her with a few young nephilim to get the most out of their damage capabilities?

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How about Illuminated? Their Ch8 becoming Ch10 (!) is sick and the melee is quite solid, if you put some Brilliance on (like with the trigger on their Sh attack) it gets very powerful. Alternatively, a Teddy or Nekima could be a powerful backup. Especially Nekima as you can try to leave Spawn Mother hanging at low Hp then finish her off so that Nekima can become your rightful leader (hatching some Gupps in the process).

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12 hours ago, Mrbedlam said:

My biggest problem with spawn mother is how much set up she takes to be really worthwhile. You want her to hatch gupps on turn 3 or 4, which means she has to stay around that long. In the meantime you really need to start scoring schemes on turn 2 now with GG16. Meanwhile her other boon (extended charge range) means she needs to be centralized to get as many alpha strike models in her aura as possible. If she charges in, she doesn't have the defense to really stand up to a full on assault and the last thing you want is injuries on your leader model.

That being said, I would maybe take her with a few young nephilim to get the most out of their damage capabilities?

I haven't played a game with the spawn mother and I agree that a lot of gg-16 schemes makes the gupps come too late. I don't think she needs to expose herself to buff your charges however. She could be 6" behind someone who charges 10" and has a 1-2" engagement range. That's 17-18 inches away from that opponent so you shouldn't be that exposed. 

If she is exposed the opponent will need to ask themselves if they prefer her or the gupps she will spawn. I can imagine charging her into a bunch of stuff late on turn 2 or early turn 3 if you are playing Interference. If the opponent leaves her alone she denies several of their models, if they kill her you get new models to make up for it.

She will probably not have the impact that Candy has on a starting crew but I believe that's a good thing. Candy is designed for 50ss games and is very unenjoyable to face in smaller games. Don't forget that campaigns are about having fun and telling a story. Several models that were deemed too unbalanced for official tournament play (looking at you avatars) are allowed in campaigns. If I was starting a campaign I'd go for a list with a heavy theme like all swampfiends/woes or nephilim.


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