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Why no wastrels box?


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The Ten Thunders sets were some of the first plastics Wyrd did and their sprue layout wasn't as organized as it is now.  Unlike the newer sets, where models are grouped into sections that can be separated and sold separately, the 10T box sets had bits of the whole box scattered across the entire sprue, making it impossible to sell just the Wastrels from the box.


* Thanks as always to gmorts for the sprue pic

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Yeah, I think I've heard that Misaki's box set has been redone with something resembling coherency as well, so Torakage are a possibility.  Also just possible that Wyrd simply wanted to get something so convoluted it required color coded charting to figure out from the market.

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Pandora and Zoraida all have their crews on a single sprue as well (while they're in separate frames, they're all connected via a central 'tree' of sprue, so they're all from the same mold), and Sorrows and Silurids are available separately. The Dreamers crew sprue is the same, but I'm not sure if Alps are available separately. Illuminated are all mixed through the sprue as it's an earlier set, and they're available separately.

I think it's more if Wyrd consider the Minions worth cutting a separate sprue for or if people will shell out for the crew box. Terror Tots are the go-to scheme runners for Neverborn, Silurids are another go-to scheme runner that can also hit things well and Illuminated are considered fantastic beaters even without brilliance. Though how Sorrows made the cut I don't know.

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The idea behind moving to plastic in general is once you pay for the mold, the actual material cost is pretty negligible.  I'm sure clipping off those extra masters and henchmen to make units to sell at a relatively small discount goes a long way towards paying for the molds.

I think one of the recent LGS promotions involved individual models from Dark Debts now that you mention it though.  I'd be curious to see how those are packaged, but its probably a sign they redid the mold on them.

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