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best trinket targets


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Hey Everyone, I've recently started to delve into the outcasts and I've been looking at the Hodgepodge Emissary. Overall I'm not too sold on it personally given the other exceptional options available around the 10ss mark. 

The trinkets look decent, but still nothing that overly excites me, which is why I'm posting this thread. I'm wondering if you more seasoned players have any particular combo's with the emissary or it's trinkets that stand out?

My personal favourites so far:

Regen on the scion - One of it's big mechanics requires it to hurt itself so the minor healing is a decent little boost.

Regen on the Nothing Beast - Every little bit helps on a model this fragile. 

Regen on Sue - To offset his "hurt" ability and just having regen on a H2K model can really up it's survivability. 

Re-activate Popa Loco - Obviously a Jack specific combo, but giving reactivate to a model with companion is already awesome and on someone like Loco, who can will die anyway, it's even better.

Does anyone know of anything else that's worth mentioning?

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They aren't hugely powerful abilities, but they are largely free improvements to your crew.

I've seen re-activate on Vik of Blood, working on the view that she's probably not going to survive the counter attack anyway, this gets her 6-8 AP smashing face in that one turn.  As is letting her chain activate.  


Don't mind me is amazing in Squatters rights and Head hunter, doesn't really matter who you put it on, the ability to steal things that you opponent otherwise thought was safe.  

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I've been toying with the idea of monkeys paw on Ronin.

Also, as I play a lot of Tara, companion on a model such as Hannah allows Tara to go first but still allow you do stuff before your opponent. Or on the NB as this allows you to zap its intended target/s with fast for the WP debuff as more of a precision strike.

On the subject of Hannah, remember she can copy the trinket giving from the emissary so the emissary itself can be targeted.

Actually, and this might just be horrible, monkeys paw on A&D?

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Damn. Knew I was missing something crucial. Even went off and checked the card to ensure it wasn't summoning the dust cloud first. Forgot reactivate was a condition and not just the result of dumping the cards.

It should be decent on Karina's summons too I suppose, twice the use and no need to unbury them once they're rubbish. Means not accomplicing them straight away though, which may or may not be a problem.

when I first read monkeys paw I laughed a bit at how rubbish it was, but actually getting to choose if and when you use it does actually provide a lot of flexibility. I'd probably use it most games just to mess with my opponent.

Just had another thought. Not 'brutal' but might be ok. Reactivate on a waif? Allows for rapid repositioning and Levi can sacrifice it before it is forced to sacrifice itself?

Actually, because Levi has such a massive hiring pool there's got to be something broken in there. Crooligan with bonnet?

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Companion on Vik of Blood.  You're essentially saving 2 stones on the accomplice upgrade if you want to use the Vik slingshot.

Monkey's Paw on a Ronin.  Suicide assault that'll still get you a 2 stone investment when it's done.

Regen on the Strongarm Suit.  It's ability to get into combat means it not always in heal range even if you do take a Librarian and Armor 2 means it gets the most out of that extra health.

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