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Scion of the void ability


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Hey there.

Whispers from the nothing states than friendly non-peons may declare the actions that Scion has, when Scion is buried. 

Is that ALL it's actions (0-actions like In the Blink of an Eye), (1) hungry Emptiness and the attack too?

And with the Ca Scion has as well?

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4 minutes ago, Erik1978 said:

Whoops: Even if I bury him myself with Tara, and not his "Returning Home", I HAVE to unbury him in the same turn if I dont want to lose him?

I'm going to just link to the rules forum discussion:

and ask that you reconsider taking the second half of an ability out of the context of the first half.


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and ask that you reconsider taking the second half of an ability out of the context of the first half

As the thread clearly shows, your opinion is not fact. The jury is clearly out on this one. As with the example with Incorporeal it makes plenty sense that it gets sacrificed at the end of turn however it may have ended up buried earlier that turn. You can list all your death marshal examples again, and ignore the incorporeal example, if you want, it doesn't prove if A or B is correct. (For the record: I want you to be right, since I want to use the Scion!) ;)

Let's hope for an Errata. Soon.

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We have a similar situation with the from the shadows ability. Even if you don't deploy using  from the shadows you still can't interact on the first turn. 

If the Scions is buried at the end of turn then it will be killed by Returning home. 

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1 hour ago, Adran said:

We have a similar situation with the from the shadows ability. Even if you don't deploy using  from the shadows you still can't interact on the first turn. 

If the Scions is buried at the end of turn then it will be killed by Returning home. 

This seems like a better example than incorporeal. At least for me, this clears it up - and I agree with you. I can't work out if it's a shame (since it feels a bit wrong in terms of flavour), but it also make sense, because never letting the scion out to be vulnerable seems a bit too strong in some circumstances.

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Yeah, I also read it that way. I haven't found a lot of mistakes or ambiguousness in Malifaux rules and so far they seem to carefully consider when to put a full stop and when not to. To want it to be sacrificed only if it stays buried through its own ability feels a bit more like wishful thinking than "ignoring the context".

Until an Errata tells me otherwise I will play it like it's clearly written: If Scion is buried at the end of the turn, it's gone.

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