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So`mer Extension


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wanna play some Gremlins for the Fun factor, beside my Guild Crews.

I think the most fun could be So`mer for me, because i wish to summon some stuff.

But i need some help which Minnis are useful beside the So`mer Box (Playing Malifaux since 4 -5 Weeks).


First i am searching for a more Gremlin and less Pig, Playstyle (necessary Pigs are allowed, but Gremlins are prefered).

Second what do i need for a "Heavy-Pigs-Playstyle" maybe later, and for the variety..

Third which Models are "must haves" no matter the playstyle, for So`mer?


Thanx for your  help!

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For summonign Sommer you will want to have at least 8 Gremlins. So you'll wan to buy another pack of bayou Gremlins. 

A slop hauler is virtually essential to heal those badly injured gremlins, and a second is somethign to consider (But they are 2 in a box, so only the one purchase)

Sommer can also summon Piglets, so you might want to consider a pack of those.

And you will want to do somethign with the vast range of gremlins you have. The Pigapuit is a good way to spread them all over the board. 


Nothing is a must have for Sommer regardless of his playstyles


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Adran covered the basics very well and I agree with everything he said. The following are all optional:

Merris LaCroix is an excellent asset when it comes to performing Schemes and she can also provide some protection against blasts. A summoning Somer can usually perform Schemes with the horde of Bayou Gremlins but it never hurts to have someone truly capable.

Sammy LaCroix has lots of synergy with Somer and is all in all a very nice Henchman. She can carry one Somer-specific Upgrade allowing he to be on Summoning duty or else carry Encouragement and allow Somer to make use of it himself. She also has a card-drawing mechanism that works nicely with Somer.

For some punch, Burt is golden as is Gracie. Gracie is also nice in that she can carry the Saddle Upgrade and eliminate Somer's need for taking Walk Actions.

Ophelia's box comes with a slew of Enforcers and a Henchman who all work nicely with Somer and all pack a punch in various ways.

Wong's box comes with Lightning Bugs and Mancha Roja. Lightning Bugs have all sorts of various effects and Somer can make them more reliable. They are very versatile and good. Mancha Roja OTOH is a nice beatstick Henchman. He isn't very durable but packs a punch and can Charge ridiculous distances.

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I'll give you an order of purchases - feel free to cut it off at any point (or swap things around):

  1. Somer's box
  2. Slop Haulers
  3. an additional box of Bayou Gremlins
  4. Sammy
  5. Burt or Gracie or Ophelia box (to get some hitting power)
  6. Piglets - after this the order of purchases is up to you
  • more hitting power
  • Merris
  • Wong's box
  • Pigapult
  • Hog Whisperer

Oh, and welcome to the best Faction :) 

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That depends on how you want to play. 

It can be very good at spreading them out, especially for a game like reconnotre. But in something like Turf war, they can probably get there on their own steam. And in Reckoning games, you might not want them scattered too far to give too many easy kill options. 

A common turn 1 without a pigapult will be to use Sommer, or a skeetar to give Sommer masks with do it like this. Sommmon 3 gremlins. Use the slop haulers to heal the injured gremlins (remembering to bayou two card and weak healing flips). Send the original 3 gremlins off across the board to where you want them, leavign the slow 3 near sommer to summon off of the next time. 


With the pigapult you will be able to fire 3 of them across the board to 24" from the 'pult. So it is potentially furtehr than the doubl walk, but if you are aiming for squat markers or the center lien for line in the sand or convict labor, then walking can get you there just as fast and without having to have spent the extra stones on the 'pult. 

Your choice of support for the crew (typically a coupel of strong beaters in some form) is largely up to personal preference, but I think they can all work with Sommer

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3 hours ago, CaerSidis said:

Does  i need the stuffed piglets too?

Sort of in that Sammy can summon them from opposing Scheme markers. She doesn't have to summon (she can still remove the marker with her (0)Action) and it's not a common occurrence except against some very select enemy crews but they are nice to have. They can also be used to pad your numbers as they are really cheap.

Not mandatory by any means and I wouldn't get them over anything in the top 6. There's also the fact that Taxidermists are a bit lackluster (they cost the same as Burt, Raphael, Sammy, or Francois and are nowhere near their level) and six Stuffed Piglets is something of a silly number of them so be on the lookout for split boxes.

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The only thing I'd point out is that you only need another box of bayou gremlins if you're planning on playing summoner with Som'er. He is super versatile and doesn't have to summon, and if you're not interested in that playstyle, you can definitely get away with just the four from his box and pick something else up.

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I ordered the TOP 6 of Math Mathonwys List. First i like to spread the Gremlins out.

Second i like all modells he namend, and i am happy that this modells will work good together (Sammy and Burt and the Somer Box were all Favorites before somebody replyed my question).

The only models i dislike are the slop haulers, but it woud be silly not to play them.

So again Thanx to all!

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  • 3 weeks later...

I am a fan of The Sow as a fairly self sufficient engagement machine - I like to use her to tie up a few enemy models, particularly enemies with low Wp since they're more likely to fail the terrifying tests to attack her.

I also like her specifically when make them suffer or hunting party is in the scheme pool because she is one of the hardest to kill minions in the whole faction.

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The sow looks to be a great model. But not a lot of people will have used it yet. 

Do you have a particular reason you think it would/wouldn't work in a somer crew?

As far as I can tell its self sufficent, so it doesn't matter who the Master would be, but if you are playing on the Pig key word it could be better. 

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You will find that not that many people proxy unreleased models, so it may take some time before someone that has proxied one with Sommer comes along. 

I'm personally looking forward to the Sow coming out so I can run my 3 headed list with Marcus, but that's not really based on how good it might actually  be. 


Assuming you still only have the top 6 things from Math's list earlier, then the Sow would probably make a decent alternative hitting model, and it looks pretty cool. I can't see any amazing bonus' the sow would get running with Sommer, but I also can't think of anything in particular that doesn't work. If you don't own piglets, then I wouldn't recomend buying the sow, as playing it and not beign able to get the free piglets when it dies seems like you'll be overpaying for it. 

You probably want some way of healing the sow, especially if you plan on summoning with it. You might also want to make sure you have a few ways to make enemies take Wp duels, to try and make the most of the smell fear. 

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I personally don't enjoy summoning Somer, it's too much busy work and flipping left and right, plus most of your figures are the same puny (but useful) ones. However accidentally Somer is great with anything that requires a trigger, which is almost all gremlin models. If you want a more aggressive elite crew on the cheaper side, you should buy Ophelia box (Francois for every crew, Lenny for summoning Somer), Burt, slop haulers, and probably Merris for a start and you might proxy Trixie with the female young lacroix since her box doesn't worth it just for the 1 model.

Some nice tricks include shooting Somer with your own Bayou gremlin and miss to push Somer into position so he can focus shoot with 1 or 2 focus in 1st turn.

Or he is great against any resser masters by forcing them to empty their hands. Good luck with summoning anything :).

There are more nice tricks with Somer's bullying build but thats an other topic, just wanted to offer you an alternate (and more fun imo.) purchase path if you want to play Somer.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 23 March 2016 at 3:10 PM, szendroib said:

Or he is great against any resser masters by forcing them to empty their hands. Good luck with summoning anything :).

Using Bigger hat forces you and your opponent to discard your hand. Make sure you go first, though.

Then, kill a couple of the extra Gremlins you summoned on the turn before to drawn cards with Survival of the fittest and dont worry too much about the rest as yer boyz have bayou two card!

God loves Gremlins!

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