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what do I need to have a really good time with mcmourning?


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I currently play a Jack Daw crew, including reader models the Hanged and crooked men. I'm going to buy nurses, but I realised it might be worth buying the crew box of the eminent doctor for the nurses, which gives me a new master, new models and a new faction too! I've got plenty of time to paint the whole box, but I'm not sure what I'd need in addition to the basc crew box and the reader models I have to make the good doctor sing. So assuming I have the crew box, where should I go from here? Or is the box good enough on its own?


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My McMourning lists are often mostly his box and crooked men. So you're pretty well covered. I was able to find a metal Rafkin, which is a nice addition but not necessary. Another metal model you should look out for or proxy is the Guild Autopsy. Wryd released a preview of a sculpt a while ago, so I'm just waiting and using Crooked Men.

I would reccomend picking up atleast one more Flesh Construct and a box of Canine Remains.

Even with Rafkin, you'll want a beatstick model to take some heat off McMourning. You could use the Hanged you have. I occasionally use Shikome, she has a 1AP charge on poisoned models.

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On 2016. 02. 20. at 3:25 AM, Gypsey said:

My McMourning lists are often mostly his box and crooked men. So you're pretty well covered. I was able to find a metal Rafkin, which is a nice addition but not necessary. Another metal model you should look out for or proxy is the Guild Autopsy. Wryd released a preview of a sculpt a while ago, so I'm just waiting and using Crooked Men.

I would reccomend picking up atleast one more Flesh Construct and a box of Canine Remains.

Even with Rafkin, you'll want a beatstick model to take some heat off McMourning. You could use the Hanged you have. I occasionally use Shikome, she has a 1AP charge on poisoned models.

Good suggestions, and I entirely agree on including another beatstick. I usually take the Valedictorian for that role, as she is rather independent and can run on and hunt down scheme runners or quickly engage and tie up enemies, but a Rogue Necromancy or the models mentioned above can work just as well. But most likely once the Carrion Emissary is released, he is going to take that slot for me almost all the time.

I'd like to recommend two other models, Rotten Belles and Necropunks. In my experience McMourning can do quite well without Belles, but they are still a very solid addition to his crew, and if you buy the Seamus box (way better than buying just a box of Belles), Seamus can use the Hanged and Crooked Men quite well. And Necropunks are just one of the best scheme runners in the game, I think I've taken them more often than the infamous Rotten Belles in my lists, so you won't regret buying their box.

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I was thinking about McMourning myself given the number of Undead models I've bought for my Outcasts.

Hanged and Crooked Men sound good. Possibly a Rogue Necromancy (or two). Flesh Constructs because... well... McMourning.

I've heard some people recommend Canine Remains. They do seem like a nice cheap fast scheme runner.

The Students and Valedictorian sound nice too.

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You need the canine remains for summons combo with Sebastian. I have actually stopped taking canine remains in any crew, and instead I just use them for summons. His moonlighting upgrade means that any time a living or undead model dies from poison within (8) you get a free canine remains. Combined with plastic surgery (enemy models become undead in (3)) and Sebastian (sebastian multiplies any poison damage to 3 damage), you will likely get a handful of dogs out of poison damage in most games. Also there's Sebastian or McMourning's upgrade "these are not ours" which lets you summon a dog on a 6 of crow out of a corpse marker (or a zombie if you are running the emissary).

For beaters, I like the Rogue Necromancy. Not only is he a solid beater, but he also has a shooting attack that does poison blast damage. I have found that poison blast damage is pretty amazing with McM. Hand out poison to a bunch of enemy models, and let them activate themselves to death. Meanwhile you summon a dog for every one that dies to poison. For the same reason, I like crooked men.

Rafkin is also great, but not necessary. What he does is he helps you further utilize the poison you are handing out like candy, causing +1 damage to any damage done to poisoned enemies within (6). Doesn't seem like much until you realize it makes McM's damage track 3/4/7. Makes having poison blast damage that much more valuable. I like him, but I haven't fully figured out how to use him best. His heal has saved my bacon more than once though.

And you will need at least 2-3 constructs in your arsenal. I have taken 1-2 most games, loaded them up with poison from the chihuahua and/or nurses, transfused from sebastian and then ticked accomplice to activate McM to expunge, giving me a third flesh construct. I know other people that don't take ANY fleshies and instead rely on rancid transplant+expunge to get the constructs. I personally like the threat of having a model turn 2 with poison 9 that I can transfuse easily without relying on the enemy to clump up, but to each their own.

Granted, I am a relative novice at this game, so take this with a grain of salt. Still working on learning different ways to use McM, but I am enjoying him so far.

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On 2016-02-22 at 6:26 AM, Gatti said:


For beaters, I like the Rogue Necromancy. Not only is he a solid beater, but he also has a shooting attack that does poison blast damage. I have found that poison blast damage is pretty amazing with McM. Hand out poison to a bunch of enemy models, and let them activate themselves to death. am enjoying him so far.

Sad to say but the Rogue Necro only gives out poison to its target and not those getting hit with the blasts. On the other hand Crooked mens trigger on its ranged blast attack deals out poison to all damaged by the attack so even the ones effected by the blasts get poison. The Carrion emissary with Mcmourning upgrade gets a 0 that does a ranged 10 shooty attack that gives out poison to all hurt by the blasts. 

I like the carrion Emissary with Mcmourning its easy to fit this model into the crew since most other core-models are quite cheap. Shards of Kythera is amazing against shooty crews and getting that extra Undead/corpse mindless zombie is awesome for sebastians Those are not ours. You eather get a dog out of it or sacrefice it to get a stone and a card.

Shikomes are quite nice beeing able to charge poisoned targets for a 1 Action, since poison is our thing getting to charge with the shikome twice in an activation is filthy and not uncommon if set up properly.

Ive never tryed a mercenary performer but it sure looks good on paper.

Playing Mcmourning i usually find myself putting so much preasure on my opponent that my schemerunners can happely do their thing undisturbed when the opponent are fighting for survival.

Good luck!


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2 hours ago, Fireuser said:

Targeting anything with Hard to Wound in hopes of getting blasts is a poor move, as you would need to the attack to exceed the defense by 11.  Which could easily cost you two cheat cards for the duel totals, and then a third for the damage flip itself.

I agree, I redo that post so noone takes that poor advice :) was not thinking clear there.


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For Crooked men/Rogue Necro/Nicodem/Emissary blasts, what I do is flip, hope its 11+ a low card i have in hand, target my flesh construct near enemy models, and flip for my attack AGAINST the flesh construct. cheat in low for fleshie, cheat in 11+ to negate the hard to wound. with Def3Wp2, it isnt hard on Ca 5-6 on those attacks. On the straight flip, cheat in another high card. I do this on turns where i have two high cards and i dont want to expunge. With Nicodem I do it to heal my own models under the blast markers. It's janky and risky, but I love playing that way. 

example, Crooked men shooting the construct, 5 vs def 3. Cheat in 1 for construct (4) cheat in 10+ (15, beating by 11 so straight flip,hopefully of crows) for the Crooked Men. Spread poison!!! 

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14 hours ago, Myyrä said:

I like to shoot those mindless zombies created by the Emissary. They don't have hard to wound.

That is brilliant! I've been working on molly with the emissary and wasn't sure hiw to use the occational mindless zombie. A Sybelle or Emissary blast of it sounds pretty good.

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