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new to the game but want another master


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so i bought the lilith box, teddy and waldgeists and i am very happy with this group of models but i would like to buy another master box. I play at my LGS and i just cant beat perdita, the people field her simply to put a whooping on me. who is a neverborn master who can help me get over this hump or am i just playing lilith wrong?

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You might want to consider listening to the Schemes & Stones podcast on Lilith to get some ideas. Also what is the board layout? Does it offer a lot of long shooting ranges and/or open ground?

I've been pushed in a corner by Perdita unable to get out and seen and heard the same experience from others who played against Perdita on very open board layouts.

I haven't played Lilith yet but I think she has a few tricks that I would help against shooty crews like Perdita.



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I know what you mean with Lilith having a hard time agains perdita and ophelia alike. But maybe these are some tricks you can try:

Like said above by Dassenkop try to set-up a board with more terrain, your opponent normally won't mind if it gets a bit harder for him/her if he/she is winning al the time. Try not to have shooting lanes reaching further then 10" or 12".

  • Use Tangle shadows to pick-off enemy targets, dislocate them and kill them quickly. Perdita herself can be difficult to kill, but decimating her troups also has effect on her.
  • Make use of hazardous terrain (e.g. cast 'Rise-up' from the cherub on Lilith before getting an enemy close by 'Tangle Shadows' to do some additional damage.) Usually I try to combine this with the Emmisary's aura. (Don't get your own models to close dough)
  • Look at everything Lilith has to offer, you also have ranged attacks, even from behind blocking terrain!
  • You don't have to kill everything focus on your strategy and schemes.

There are lots of thing you can do, I'm playing Lilith for several years now and I'm still discovering new things to do when switching out a model here or there.

Never give up! She's the master of Malifaux anyway :D.


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2 minutes ago, SpiralngCadavr said:

A common mistake in a new malifaux meta is to play with not enough terrain (light boards heavily favor ranged sets).

Lucius can get a firing squad going well, if you're open to either another faction or some models only he can field (drawing from guild)

Trying to counter Perdita with Lucius isn't very solid plan most of the time, because she alone will drop 1-3 of his guardsman minions per turn.

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Remember that despite her general ability to lop someones head off in melee, Lilith is not a brawler. This is a pretty big misconception with her and why so many who start with her end up dissatisfied. She's a guerilla fighter. To reiterate what others have said:

Use Tangle Shadows to pull enemies to yourself. This ability is missed a lot with new players. This ability can also target Lilith herself. Being able to swap an enemy, who has already activated, into close proximity to an unactivated Teddy or a Mature Nephilim will make people cry. Just be sure it doesn't overextend the friendly model you decided to move, though if you've got actions left Lilith shouldn't have much trouble getting back into line.

Illusionary Forest is a massive blessing. Never discount the ability to simply create terrain in a melee centric crew. Your opponent gets into a good position, and siddenly he can't see what he wanted to shoot. If gives you room to breathe.

Lilith should be doing these sorts of things for the benefit of her crew. She herself should only get her hands dirty when the opponent overextends and leaves a nice, juicy target for Lilith - which is generally something she can kill in a single activation - preferably kill in a single action - and get back into cover. It might seem like you're 'wasting' her by simply creating terrain or moving models around, but think of the bigger picture of the effect things like that have.

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Perdita and her crew can only shoot what they can see. So Lilith can use her trees to block line of sight.  If you deploy first, everyone starts in cover with no LoS for Nino

they will try to move to regain LoS. Lilith casts wicked vines. This, at the least, shreds the opponent's hand through trying to avoid it or use of shrug off from family members.

you should have hand superiority from the outset by using rush of magic from both Lilith and the primordial magic you hired instead of the cherub - and then by using wings of darkness upgrade and stoning for cards. 

He will try to el mayor perdita. You tangle shadows on frank, feeding perdita a terror tot she has to spend AP on killing before she can shoot anything else, and watch black blood take 20% of her wounds away while you kill frank

your opponent will try and snipe with Nino, you remember those trees and you run something into his face - mature nephilim perhaps if you're feeling brutal.

you will bide your time and think about your vp - scoring strat points and scheme points where you can. You will not charge headlong into the enemies teeth, nor move to an exposed location unless it's part of a plan.  Your opponent will be forced into being more aggressive, and walk into your trap. 

This is Lilith 

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