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Malifaux Podcasts?


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Hi Everybody,

Looking to get more into Malifaux and I'm a huge podcast fan. I've been devouring the Breachside Podcast and Stick and Stones, and I'm wondering what other podcasts are out there? I tried a google search, but many of the options that popped up have stopped recording. What are people's favorite (still running) Malifaux podcasts?

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Pretty much that list. Each offers a little something new, but I feel the all seem to be a little heavy on the tactics of the game.This master does this and this master does that, ok if you are into only that.  You don't get the same extra chat like Lost Boys and Malifools used to have. There just doesn't seem to be many podcast that add a little in about the hobby of the game. Cheated Fates is pretty with that feel of the extras.   

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"Fauxshow" and "Scheme's and Stones" as well.

Malifaux's Most Wanted is the best. I laugh the whole episode long and yet they still have good points so long as you are not the sensitive type and can appreciate their points with an openmind. It would be easy to dismiss them because of their brash personalities but keep an open mind because they are smarter than they sound and the often shotgun blast you in the face with the honest truth. :D

Edited by SpectreEliteGaming
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  • 4 weeks later...

I'll add A Wyrd Place and Shotfaux to the list. Unsure if further episodes are forthcoming from either of them though. 

Red Jokers has a lot more light hearted banter if you prefer the less serious side of Malifaux. It's awesome. I'm totally not bias at all!

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Red Jokers and Flippin Jokers are sort of the direct opposite of each other. Flippin Jokers is hardcore competitive. They have some amazing insights and are extremely observant in terms of comparing play styles, painting styles and even the approach different communities take to gaming. There's a huge amount of insight in what they have to say, but I'm by nature not a competitive player at all. For example I can't imagine ever playing the same list over and over and over. Turns it from a hobby into a chore, but I totally respect that different people enjoy the game for different reasons, and all reasons are equally valid. Just not my cup of tea, much like the way I play would probably not be terribly entertaining for them.

The Red Jokers are absolutely hilarious, and have actually got a surprising amount of insight as their views are unbiased by "established views" and forum "wisdom". They make some very good points, and at the same time I burst out laughing a lot. They constant go off on weird but hilarious tangents and are absolute gold to listen to while painting (so long as your task isn't blending or painting eyes). Not so good for listening to while exercising though. Looks a bit weird when you're running in the park and suddenly lose it for no apparent reason and have to stop to catch your breath. But they are gold, and I'm very sad I live hundreds of kilometers away and will likely never actually play this awesome game with any of them.

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Schemes & Stones is another good one, along the same line as Before We Begin. I really like S&S's production and editing, too. It's clear that they spend a lot of time making the podcast sound nice and include tons of information for us every week (or two).

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hellooooo Heretics! We have a special treat just for you. We have not one, but two brand spanking new episodes up for your aural pleasure. The first episode is a recap of the past few tournaments and stories from those tournaments that Dreads has partaken. The second is a special guest interview with Mario from Mats By Mars. Where he talks about about putting together and running his first tournament. Check them out. Let us know what you think.  Thank you for listening and all of your support - fj

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  • 4 months later...

Hello Heretics!!!! Are you ready for this? Behold, we bring you the latest and quite possibly the greatest episode of FlippinJokers ever.  Episode 9 has it all. Insight, wisdom, debauchery, list building, and out right nut kicking. Oh yeah, it's got Malifaux too. Partner that up with new music, ideas, and format and its just down right amaze-za-zing. So sit back, pop open a cold one, load up a brush, or whatever you do and check it out. Let us know what you think. Thanks for listening. http://flippinjokers.podbean.com/e/episode-09-in-which-we-try-something-new/

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