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Everything posted by terminalc

  1. Hi all! Ive been playing Guild for awhile and finally took the plunge into the real good guy faction! Played 2 games with Seamus yesterday and had a blast! My highlight had to be using a belle to lure Leveticus into range of a crooked man, who then spent the next 3 turns paralyzing Leveticus to keep him out of the game! i lived the dream and am looking forward to much more necromancy in the future!
  2. Hi all! im looking to invest in a token set, preferably rezzer specific. I know a few places out there make them, and I was wondering what people's favorites were? thanks!
  3. the title says it all: what are people's favorite schemes and strats when playing Nicodem?
  4. Looking trade for any plastic Malifaux resserectionist models or Malifaux RPG books. PayPal is fine too. Willing to sell/trade In reasonable chunks Here's a list: Trolls: Fenblades, Chronicler, Sorcerer, Mulg Bomber Earthborn Pyre Storm Axer Skinner Doomshaper2 Janissa Impaler Gators: all the warlocks, ironback spitter, 2 boneswarms, 2 croak hunters, totem Hunter, unit of bog trog ambushers, Cygnar + mercs: Darius, Seige, Stryker1, ol rowdy, centurion, ironclad, sentinel, lancer, horgenhold forgeguard, allison jakes, taryn, gorman, ragman, Aiyana & Holt, trencher master gunner, Rhupert, Anastasia di Bray, Runewood
  5. Hi Everybody, Looking to get more into Malifaux and I'm a huge podcast fan. I've been devouring the Breachside Podcast and Stick and Stones, and I'm wondering what other podcasts are out there? I tried a google search, but many of the options that popped up have stopped recording. What are people's favorite (still running) Malifaux podcasts?
  6. I feel like the pullmyfinger does a great job at serving as an overview of what McCabe can do, but he seems really different from Perdita (who is my usual go-to) that I'm having a hard time wrapping my head around him. What upgrades do people normally take with him? Or on other models for that matter? And outside of the crew box, what works well with him? I'm trying to play as Guild focuses as possible, and the wiki mostly mentions Outcast models that synergize with him. It seems like having McCabe himself run around slowing things and doing some damage with the barbed net upgrade is a fairly good play, but I've never seen him on the table, so I don't have much to draw on for comparison.
  7. Just picked up the McCabe set and I'm interested in trying him out. His crew seems to work pretty differently than Sonnia or Perdita, so I'm a little at a loss of how to play it, or what models to take with it? Any advice? thanks!
  8. Ok! I had guessed that was it, but I wasn't sure if the traps could drop scheme markers or not. thanks!
  9. Forgive my silly noob-ness, but can someone explain why the pathfinder and austringers are so good together? I've seen it mentioned a few times but not in detail, and I was thinking of snagging a pathfinder before my very first tournament on Sunday.
  10. McMourming is already a strong pull towards ressers as is....
  11. Ok great! I'm getting both guild arsenal decks in a trade, so I just saved myself some money (to put towards Hoffman!) thanks!
  12. Are the upgrades in the arsenal decks the same ones that are in the generalist one?
  13. Hey guys, saw the generalist upgrade deck at my FLGS today and thought about getting it. I only play Guild, so is the deck worth its price point?
  14. Wow!! This stuff is excellent! And a great price point! I'll be getting some trains real soon!
  15. I guess it comes down to whether TtB models are proxies or conversions...it is official wyrd product, so at least there's that. i had wanted to pick up a character box anyway just to play around with it, so I might just do it anyway
  16. That's a great idea! Does Wyrd have an official policy regarding conversions? I'll probably want to play at Cons every now and again, so I'd like to be as legit as possible about it
  17. I'll admit to already having read the wiki at least twice it's quickly becoming a favorite of mine. abuela and the Latigo pistoleros still haven't been released in plastic, correct? The jump in quality from the old metals to the plastics is so vast that I refuse to buy any model until it's out in plastic (even though I want a witching handler ever so much)
  18. Hi all! As the title says, im getting back into the game after a year or so away. My FLGS finally has a henchman and the community is gearing back up. I played a handful of games before, not a whole ton. Played my first game back last night, and oh boy! Tried out Perdita for the first time and it was pretty absurd. I've certainly heard how powerful she is, but it verged into unfair territory. Big Perdita fan now what are common list builds with Perdita? What schemes does she like/dislike? Problem matches? I plan on pretty much playing her and Somnia exclusively for awhile
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