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Into the Quarantine Zone - Northampton, Sun 8 November


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Hi all, 

In association with Warzone Workshop in Northampton, I'll be running a 3-round, 50SS event on Sunday 8th November at the shop in the Market Walk shopping centre, Northampton.

Tickets will be £12.50, sold direct by Warzone, and include entry to the tournament as well as all the tea and coffee you can drink. Lunch isn't included but you're right in the middle of Northampton town centre. Payment link: http://warzoneworkshop.co.uk/Events/Into-the-Quarantine-Zone  

The pack can be downloaded from here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/4m3fwpbseeacu6k/Into the Quarantine Zone Pack.pdf?dl=0

Key points will be;
- 3 rounds using 50SS crews - there will not be any 'model pool' restrictions in place
- Strategies and scheme pools will be published in full, in advance
- Fixed Faction and Trinity crew selection rules will be in use - on registration you'll need to confirm which one you're using
- Models don't have to be fully painted, but they will have to be assembled and primed as a minimum

The event will, as ever, be very new-player friendly whilst still making sure that the top of the field gets challenged. I'll be on hand to help out with any rules queries so that all players can focus on their games. 

Any questions, please fire away!

Schemes and Strategies

Reconnoitre, Corner Deployment
- Line in the Sand, Assassinate, Breakthrough, Spring the Trap, Plant Explosives

Stake a Claim, Flank Deployment
- Line in the Sand, Protect Territory, Distract, Frame for Murder, Murder Protege

Guard the Stash, Standard Deployment
- Line in the Sand, Assassinate, Bodyguard, Entourage, Deliver a Message 


How will the painting competition work?

Anyone wishing to enter the painting competition will need to enter 3 models - a Trinity (anyone spotting a pattern here?). You can enter any three models. Enforcers, Masters, Totems, Emissaries, whatever. The only restriction is that these must be models you can field during the day from either your fixed faction or from your Trinity crews.

What can I win?

Trophies up for grabs will be 1st, 2nd and 3rd place, best sports, and best painted. Medals are also being arranged for 2nd and 3rd place painted.

Will the event be ranked? 

Yes, subject to the minimum 8 players attending (hopefully not an issue! already accomplished). 

Are wave 3 / Shifting Loyalties models allowed? 

Yes, these rules will be allowed (with the exception of campaign-only Avatars). 

What's your position on proxies? 

No Malifaux model can be used as another Malifaux model without conversion work having been done - no putting a Canine Remains on the table and claiming it's a Guild Hound, for example. Using appropriate models from other ranges - for example a Wild West Exodus Native American as Big Jake - is fine as long as it's clear what the model is representing. If in doubt send me a picture and I'll let you know yes or no.

Can I pull the Mei Feng infinite loop trick? 

No, as it will be considered timewasting. Perpetrators of this and any similar rules abuse can expect very short shrift from the TO, and possibly a thorough bogwashing.

Paid Entrants

1. Aron Britchford
2. Mike Marshall
3. Joel Henry
4. Lee Battrick
5. James Doxey
6. Craig Bennett
7. Ian Bennett
8. Will Lambert
9. Karl McConnell
10. Craig Woods

11. Ben Halford
12. Matt Ledgerwood
13. Matt Spooner
14. Leigh Buckett
15. Ross 'Skittles' Clarke
16. David Loyd-Hearn
17. Paul Butler
18. Shaun Clark
19. James Boots Rory Carter
20. Craig Johnson (yes, that Craig Johnson)
21. Brooks Martin
22. Graham Bursnell
23. Haydn Smith
24. Dan Swain

Spare Player: Alessandro Zaramella

Reserve List

Mark Shepherd
Steve Slatcher
Nick Martin
Connor Barker

Edited by PanzerHarris
Rules pack now attached!
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Entrants list updated. We're on 1 ticket left of the initial allocation of 16, pending the shop and I measuring up tomorrow to see if we can get any more tables in! 

We don't want to jam people in as that's really not a fun experience, but if it's possible to fit in a couple more tables and still move around then we'll do so.

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And no sooner do I post that than the 16th ticket sells... 

Hopefully the measuring up yields another couple of spaces, but the experience is more important than ticket sales. I've been to events where the venue has gotten greedy and crammed in too many people, and they were not fun. That's not a mistake we'll be making here!

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Finally managed to reactivate my account. My first ever Malifaux event. I hope to have played at least a couple of games by then :huh:

Time to test out this reputation of the Malifaux being the most friendly community going! I'll be travelling on my own so look at for a mid 40's bloke looking lost and expecting bad things to happen to him :-)


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Right then... 

After much fumbling with a tape measure, turns out the upstairs of the store has masses of space! It would be simplicity itself to get anything up to 8 6x4 tables in, but we decided to cap at 6 to allow plenty of space to move between tables. Those who've met me know I manage to be both tall and fat, and I can easily get around to all the tables between players.

All this means the event has been expanded to 24 players, and an additional 6 tickets are now live on the Warzone Workshop website! 

If people are willing to throw a table or so's worth of terrain into their car it would be appreciated - the store opened very recently so terrain stocks aren't quite up to 12 tables of properly laid out Malifaux yet. 

Thanks for the continued support, and I really can't wait to welcome everyone to the tournament!

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Trophies are being sorted out - tin cups for winner, 2nd place and 3rd place, plus best sports and best painted, with medals for 2nd and 3rd place painted.

Given the number of outrageously talented painters turning up, we felt it only fair to offer due encouragement and reward! 

Is anyone able to throw a table's worth of terrain in their car please? We are definitely going to need a bit of help there.

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