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Chronicles Halloween adventure?


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  • 2 weeks later...

So, is Night of the Carver the Halloween adventure that was hinted at, or are we also getting an October Chronicle with a Halloween adventure in it, hopefully before it's actually Halloween?

Night of the Carver is the Halloween adventure this year. There is an adventure in Chronicles this year, but it's not Halloween themed.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Night of the Carver was a fun adventure. There were about two really great roleplaying sections and the combat sections were fun as well. For what it is I would definitely buy it if I had a Through the Breach group.

Spoilers ahead:

Part of the story involves transporting a bounty across the quarantine zone(might be badlands can't remember). Here are some issues and crowning moments of awesome:

  • Our party was three and two of us were pretty strong spell casters. We also had no suits on triggers so we were pretty good on hitting the TN to hit everything.
    • Tinkerer had a long bow that could paralyze.
    • Dabbler had fire engulf with reduce ap immuto.
    • Dabbler had electrical engulf with increase damage
  • First Roleplay encounter definitely set the mood. Spooky ghost stories in Malifaux.
  • First encounter with the enemy had not much Roleplaying, but I assume other fatemasters could take liberties.
    • Carver and another enemy were pretty beefy. If it wasn't for the Flame Dabbler we had the Carver would have downed someone within the second turn.
    • It should be noted that unless you can shoot into engagement you might be hosed.
  • Second encounter was a bit more roleplay heavy, but apparently it could have turned into a fight.This also played around with the idea of having a large group of people as one stat line.
    • Carver showed up again, but this time started working its way through the crowd. We took the opportunity to run in the opposite direction with our bounty. This was actually really sweet and added to the atmosphere of the game I felt, running away from a nearly invincible juggernaut.
  • Third Encounter was a lot more fighting and resulted in the Electric Dabbler getting taken down.
    • This also occurred because the Dabbler and the Bounty were both engaged with the Carver meaning that we had three randomize flips.
  • Fourth encounter had an exciting location and resulted in the first time our crew really synergized all together.
    • Not much to be said really after this.

Long and short of it, I think this encounter would be perfect for a first session. After players have moved up the pursuits it might get a little lack luster. But the carver and other enemy in the adventure are definitely worth getting the adventure for. 

 I highly recommend it for an introduction to the Malifaux setting.

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I ran this adventure last night and it went down a treat!

We modified the adventure to explore the destiny of one Fated who was seeking to gain entry into the TT. 

The four Fated have played 5 sessions so are already reasonably advanced.  The Carver was suitably scary in combat, hitting a severe damage on his first attack and nearly putting down a Fated before they had acted.  Once the Tinker lit him up that ended the combat quickly. 

Scene 2 and they black jokered a convince check on the mob causing a huge melee.  Made it interesting as some Fated tried to use non-violent methods to disperse the mob even as Carver got to work. 

Scene 3 Carver was able to hurl the Tinker off the bridge and dislocate her hip in the process.  It managed to give the other Fated a challenge though Carver had to focus on McGee for them to survive! 

Having played quite a few of the one-shots they are heading off to Innocence next week. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Night of the Carver was a fun adventure. There were about two really great roleplaying sections and the combat sections were fun as well. For what it is I would definitely buy it if I had a Through the Breach group.

Spoilers ahead:

Hidden Content

 I highly recommend it for an introduction to the Malifaux setting.

Glad you enjoyed the run thru of this Corbin, was fun to do. Especially the theming is perfect. I did give you all 2 pursuit levels cause I knew these baddies you'd see would be tough to fight :)

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