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A little tale of rats, blight and some final questions about improving.


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Yesterday a friend and i went to a new club (new for us). We met a lot of new players and felt the gaming club feeling we had lost some time ago when the ones round our area fell into nothingness. it was so cool and we had some malifaux/nythera games.

I played with Lilith as NB are my Nythera declared faction. I won the flip and attacked Innocence. I decided it would be fluffy to rid malifaux of the blight known as innocence. Thing is the blight part was pretty literal. As my guys entered the town hellbent on razing it all we found were rats. Lots of rats! rats that made more rats, crazy ladies who trew rats, ratcatchers that hit you with rats, and kids that blew up into more rats! even rats that fused into bigger rats that also blew up into rats and ratcatchers! And that damned flute melody... Nekima and the mature nephilim exchanged a lot of blows during the match.

In the end i defeated Hammelin 10-6 as i procured turf war by keeping every little thing outside the center of MY tabble :P the only enemy that got close to the turf marker was Killjoy. That damned thing received more thatn 30 damage befor nekima managed to kill it with her 3 attacks. Meanwhile the monstrocity killed lilith and her cherub.

The game was really close and it turned dark when in turn 5 my own waldgeist removed one of my 4 line in the sand scheme markers and then blew up in green filth. (Obey is killer and so is 5 blight).

In the end all was up to little wolverine (The terror toth) who disengaged with a 13 and sprinted to the centerline to place the marker again.

Afterwards we had some cordial words about the game. It was really close, bloody and fun. My final tougths where that i need some sort of healing in the band and condition removal. Is there any good healing/condition removal in neverborn? specially in nephilims?

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Unfortunately, no. There is almost no condition removal in Neverborn. Nephilim can get some healing from Black Blood Shaman, and there is also Candy and Coppelius who can heal under the right circumstances. But beyond those options I think you have to look to mercenaries like Johan, Librarian, etc.

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Also, correct me if I'm wrong, I don't think you can be obeyed to remove your own scheme marker.

A model cannot be obeyed to perform the standard Interact(1) to discard scheme markers that are friendly to it, because paragraph in Placing Scheme Markers in the rules specifies being able to remove enemy scheme markers and Obey effects don't change which side a model is on.  Malifaux is different to a lot of other games in that aspect:  Even the other player is dictating your model's action, it's still your model and its crew's scheme markers are still friendly to it.

But there are lots of models which have an ability or action which discard friendly scheme markers to do things, and it's perfectly valid to get Obeyed to use those actions or abilities.

I don't see anything on its card that a Waldgeist would use to remove friendly scheme markers, but I could be missing something...


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Congratulations on the win, sounds like a good game. Dreamer also has an action to remove conditions, but you might not be looking to start a whole new master. And remember that Doppleganger can copy the (1) action of your enemy's condition removers, if available, e.g., Chiaki and Witchling Stalkers.

As for healing, again, Dreamer is a good option in this regard. Candy can heal, though she's an expensive model to be using her for that, and there are usually better things she can be doing. Some models (like Illuminated) can self-heal, though they can't heal others. And Zoraida can hire nurses into her crews. But mostly the Neverborn way is to try to hit hard and hit first, 'cos if they start hitting back we realize how glass-cannon-ish we are. :)

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