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Anyone got a cheet sheet?


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I've seen cheat sheets for other RPGs that are basically a one or two page primer on how the core mechanics (such as AP and Duels and initiative) work.  Has anyone got something similar for TTB?

Edit: Taking the resounding silence as a lacking I have created a quick one for the game tonight.  Ideally there would be info on duels but since the game is in 4 hours I think I'll focus on reading the adventure and walk them through that part.


Edited by cetiken
Made one myself
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  • 2 weeks later...

I highly recommend that Skill reference. Knowing what the Associated Aspects are is really helpful, and reduces Fated Almanac look-up time.

Cetiken inspired me to update my own .xlsx cheat sheet. I originally just had Skills, but General Actions is a good idea too... I print mine out like a pamphlet so players have both refs so they're not flipping the page.

Comments welcome!

TtB Skills.xlsx

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That skill section would have been handy for part of 1 of Nythera. Was a pain constantly flipping through the book to see what skill goes with what attribute

I went through part 2 and made sure that the Skill and Attributes are both listed for every challenge, just for you.  ;)

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Speed bumps that I've found (and I'm walking 20-ish players through the process):

Talents requirements

Equipment List (fixed in Into the Steam knthnx)

Skills table

Calculated values.


If one of my players makes up an excel spreadsheet, and I upload it here - to speed character generation - will (official) people hate me?

(I'm planning on deliberately leaving out the Destiny part because that's seriously the coolest thing to do around agaming table ever. Especially having players read it out and go "oh hell, that's dark".

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  • 1 month later...

Speed bumps that I've found (and I'm walking 20-ish players through the process):

Talents requirements

Equipment List (fixed in Into the Steam knthnx)

Skills table

Calculated values.


If one of my players makes up an excel spreadsheet, and I upload it here - to speed character generation - will (official) people hate me?

(I'm planning on deliberately leaving out the Destiny part because that's seriously the coolest thing to do around agaming table ever. Especially having players read it out and go "oh hell, that's dark".

as far as character generation is concerned... I made one and have been working on it the last couple of days 

Link to the thread

If you want there is a spreadsheet in there (not fancy looking at all but available) that you could use as a quick reference for looking up talents, skills etc.... In fact I might just make a sheet for that and work it into the workbook


Edited by Reynastus
looked at the date... sorry for the thread necromancy (Australian reading dates wrong)
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