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Malifaux Rankings 2016


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Hi all

it is my intention to stop running the Malifaux rankings at the end of this year, i think 2 years is enough TBH.  When I stepped in to keep something running after RankingsHq pulled the plug it was only intended to be a stop gap until something more permenant came along, but that hasnt happened yet, perhaps whoever takes it over will be able to do a better job than I do.

i will happily work with whoever takes over to give them the historical databut they will need to have there own hardware etc. to run something along with coding a new website - the existing one is held together with duck tape at best.


hopefully 4 months is enough notice for someone to step up

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I want to add my own thanks to Mike here too - you've done a great job and done so in the best spirit of the community.  You've more than done your share, and I am grateful to you for doing so.

unless another community member has the necessary skills, hardware and finances in place, I'm going to suggest that people may have to pay for rankings in future so that whoever takes it on won't be massively out of pocket.


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I've only been in the rankings for a couple of months but am aware of just how much Mike has given to the UK and international Malifaux community. So a huge thank you for the part you've already played in adding to this community. 

I really hope someone is prepared to take this on as it really is great fun to be a part of the national rankings even down at the bottom end of the table such as I am.

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No worries Mike, just so I know that I'm working on this :D

Will start work on the tables and such on the site now, and whilst thinking about this I wouldn't mind extending the ranking system to the regions as listed in the Community Events section of the forums, so; North America, South America, Europe, Africa, Asia, Australia and Antarctica, as well as the UK, but will have to work out how to let people know this before I set it in stone.

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This is what I'm thinking of posting to various groups and forums.

As of the start of 2016 I will be taking over the management of the UK Malifaux Rankings, keeping these up to date, the originals are at www.malifauxrankings.com.

Before then though I want to start taking ranking scores for the rest of the world, specifically those regions mentioned in the Wyrd Forums Community Events area; North America, South America, Europe, Africa and Asia (as well as the UK).

I’ve set up example pages at www.potentiallylethal.co.uk/malifaux-rankings and I think the instructions are relatively straightforward, and to emphasise, these are not the completed areas as I will be breaking down the regions into countries as and when I get data.

If you want to start sending data for non-UK tournaments to me at malifauxrankings@potentiallylethal.co.uk with the required details as stated on the instruction page I can start getting this started internationally.

If you see any glaring mistakes or have suggestions for improvement please let me know.


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Right to get a dump of the events you can use the following URL


You can then parse this to get the individual event information using


You can use


to get a players record

That I think will give you all the data you need

Yes you will need to write some scripts to parse JSON


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  • 3 weeks later...

Just to let people know that they should send Malifaux tournament data to me now for ranking purposes - use this email stephen@potentiallylethal.co.uk - if you have any tournaments from August, September or October (so far) please send to me as well so I can ensure that the rankings are as complete as possible.

The rankings at malifauxrangings.com is still the most up to date, but within a fortnight the new rankings area should be open with any new data added.

thanks Stephen

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