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Ironsides Vs Brewy


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I have a Nythera event game tomorrow night and have decided to run Ironsides for the duration of the event.  My matchup tomorrow is against Brewy so I wanted to get peoples thoughts on facing him.  My plan is to have Mouse and Captain on the outskirts to drag people away from the drunken party while I have a mage with Blood Ward situated to stop Ironsides gaining poison.  Johan for healing and maybe a Gunsmith or two.  Thoughts?

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That's the Ironsides list I've had the best luck with. I think Ironsides sitting in the center, immune to basically everything the gremlin does is comedy gold. 

Bring challenge the crowd and lure in everything. Laugh as you hold his entire team helpless.

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If Trixie is in then her and Wesley will be the priority targets along with the Performers he will no doubt have to try and put on loads of damage.  At the moment my list looks something like this - 

Ironsides - Challenge the Crowd, Warding Runes
The Captain - Patron's Blessing, Warding Runes
The Firestarter - Imbued Engergies
Oxfordian Mage x2 - Blood Ward, Doom Ward

I'm considering swapping out Johan for Willie but haven't decided yet.

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Ended up swapping out Johan for Willie and managed to walk away with a win.  Was a very strange game with Brewy playing very cagey.  On turn 3 he decided to see what would happen if Trixie didn't grab the initiative and that ended up being a bit of a turning point as my Gunsmith on 1 wound managed to kill a performer and Weslie.  Swung activation order back in my favour and funnily enough Ironsides didn't start a single turn engaged with an enemy.  She also failed to actually hit anyone at all.  I guess I didn't count on Brewy being so annoying at range but have a much better idea of what he does now.

Final score 10vp to 6vp in my favour.  I think it would have been a tie had Trixie taken initiative on turn 3.

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