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Which henchman for shifting loyalties


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I think Cassandra or Joss would be my first choices to consider.  Cassandra, as already said, is well rounded and can really be flexible which direction you take her depending on what other groups people go for.  Joss while not as well rounded is still not bad and he gets the nice benefit of being tough and right off the bat not caring about people's df triggers.  With the right upgrades Joss can get mobility and be pretty effective on his own *I would have to consider the +1Ml upgrade first though for Ml7*.  Regeneration is also not bad on Joss.

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my gaming group is about to kick off a campaign and i went with Cassandra. highly mobile, and understudy gives her versatility. i gave her the smoke and mirrors upgrade as well in hopes of helping her survive injury free. (plan on keeping an ace in hand as well to cheat the Finished Off flip if possible).

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In any campaign the goal is to get your guys to the end of the story without being subject to random injuries. Summoning leaders, who can produce extra models who can go and engage the enemy without risking your regular party are very handy for that. Are there any Henchmen in the Arcanists who can summon, or can be upgraded to be summoners?

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In any campaign the goal is to get your guys to the end of the story without being subject to random injuries. Summoning leaders, who can produce extra models who can go and engage the enemy without risking your regular party are very handy for that. Are there any Henchmen in the Arcanists who can summon, or can be upgraded to be summoners?

i don't haz all the Arcanists toy soldiers yet, but I think the only non master that can summon is the mech rider.

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Joss is remarkably durable with armor 2 and hard to kill. His arc axe ignores most defensive abilities, so he is great at taking down enemy leaders. Since you are doing a campaign, you're going to want a henchman that works well with whatever master you will eventually end up with and I find that Joss ends up working well with any of the Arcanist masters.

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