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McMourning Pacing


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Mcmourning is like a train with rockets strapped to it, thanks to his mask trigger and "That's The Stuff" he's a really mobile master and on top of that he is more than tough enough to make risky moves and charge into battle.

But nothing can keep up with him! Even if i hold him back for a turn or try to play conservatively models like sebastian and the nurses crawl in comparison and have to go even slower to hide behind terrain or use Under Cover on Sebastian to survive enemy ranged attacks on the way there. Even with Under Cover Sebastian is deceptively fragile.


So how can i speed up the slowest walking faction in the game? Nurses end up straggling behind if they boost other people's speed in the first turns and McMourning can only inject one target each turn. Should i live with the slow speed and get a Graveyard Spirit to use instead of the Chihuaha so my models can make it through the gun lines?

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If you are struggling against shooting then cover and under cover should be all you need.

As to keeping up with McM then you dont need to. A well designed McM crew will have multiple threat axis of which he is but one and you dont need to keep them all together to complete what ever schemes you have and keep your opponent on the back foot.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I tend to hold him back until turn 2-3, and then I kick out the murdery-poisony-killy jams. I send him after big bruisers that have already activated or models that are isolated. I use belles as a method of keeping things moving, and nurses are a great way of making those slow moving shamblers suddenly move 7 inches on the first turn.

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  • 2 months later...

Mortimor's Fresh Meat can be very helpful to get the rest of the crew moving. He is expensive though.

Added bonus of being able to fling poison +3 around as well. Never a bad thing for McMourning.


I tried a concept list last night, McM, with Seb/Morty, a Nurse, Zombie Chi, two Crooligans and three Guild Autopsies. I kept Seb/Morty/Nurse near McM, and had Morty do Fresh Meat, and since the all the living models (except McM) were also undead due to Skin Graft, it got them all moving forward to the Crooligans who was deployed forward due to "From the Shadows." It was a fun and efficient use of AP, as Mortimer got to move along with the rest of the bunch as I kept him in the Skin Graft :aura. I ended up winning, but terrain was a big help with that (a lot of choke points and a player new to the Viks didn't hurt either).

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