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Union Miners and False Claim

St. Murphy


False Claim states that "This action may not be taken if this model is may not take interact actions." This clearly refers to a model being unable to make an interact action while engaged. Does this also apply to the 4" restriction when placing scheme markers? So,can the two markers placed with false claim be within 4" of each other? And can either or both of the scheme markers placed with false claim be placed within 4" of another friendly scheme marker? 

Ref: p. 120 Crossroads.



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There are various effects like this which prevent Interact actions:


(1) "So, What Brings You To These Parts...?": This model gains the following Condition until the end of the Turn: "Chatty: Enemy models within :aura 6 may not take Interact Actions."

in addition to the restriction in Engaged.


So that False Claim action isn't written as an Interact action, but it's prohibited from being performed if you're prohibited from performing an Interaction.


Edit:  But you end up using Interact(#) for all sorts of things in various scenarios.  It's not just used for placing scheme markers.  So, as far as I can tell:


A model may take a (1) Interact Action to place a Scheme Marker in base contact with itself and not within 4" of another friendly Scheme Marker. Scheme Markers help achieve certain Schemes (see pg. 68).

isn't saying "You can never place a scheme marker within 4" of another scheme marker."  It's saying you can't use Interact to do it.

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I think it should be fine.  Look at General Tactical Actions (pg 39 of the mini rulebook).  The 4" is a specific restriction for the type of Interact action that places a scheme marker in B2B.  However, the generic (#) Interact tactical action does not have this restriction.  The only basic restriction for Interacting is you cannot be engaged unless the Interact targets an enemy model.


Any other effects, like Mortimer's Chatty Aura, will also prevent File False Claim, since they prevent Interact actions of any kind.


To illustrate my point better, you can still Deliver the Message while within 4" of a friendly scheme marker.  You can still attempt to remove the Cursed Object or Distract condition while within 4" of a scheme marker.  All of these examples require taking an Interact action.

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To clarify one point. You can use Interact to place a Scheme marker even if you are within 4" of another Scheme marker, you just can't place the new marker within 4", e.g. if you are 3" away from a marker you can place the new marker on your far side since your base is more than 1" wide.

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To clarify one point. You can use Interact to place a Scheme marker even if you are within 4" of another Scheme marker, you just can't place the new marker within 4", e.g. if you are 3" away from a marker you can place the new marker on your far side since your base is more than 1" wide.

Good clarification.

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5 minutes ago, MalifauxVE said:

So, with the Union Miners, can i place the markers within 4" of another friendly marker?

Yes. That restriction only applies to the interact action. Any other way of dropping a scheme marker does not have to worry about the 4" issue. 

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