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joss/johan/howard are your go-to models of destruction.


Your plan is to make it so they are either ignored( and kill your opponent) or your opponent has to sink a ton of resources killing each on of them "one at a time" or the mistake of leaving either of these models alive wounded are going to create even bigger problems.


spiders are also great for running objectives at 4 stones a pop.


! Metal Gamin ! are also MSu and can be surprisingly lethal at 4 stones with ironsides

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Welcome to our organization! The Troubleshooters are an interesting box set, Toni herself has a predilection for models with the M&SU Characteristic. This is due to her Hand-Picked Men Ability. As such anything with that Characteristic can really benefit from Ironsides. She can take non-M&SU, but I tend to only sparingly hire non-unionized members.


The non-M&SU members I tend to take are either support pieces or models that can benefit from Toni's You Lookin' At Me? Action. This Action gives Ironsides a lot of board control for where her crew (as well as where the enemy crew) can be. The thing to note with this is that the Target is pushedd its Cg towards Toni and then makes an Ml attack against her. That is an Ml attack, not a close combat (the claw symbol) attack. This means that Gunsmiths, or the Mages, or the Mechanical Rider that have a Ca or Sh attack that can be used in close combat (claw symbol), then they will not hit Toni. There are many options for this neat movement option, with the ones I noted being particularly useful (highly recommend the Gunsmiths, currently available as metals).


The support, non-M&SU, models I sometimes take are the Arcane Effigy, Performer, Mechanical Rider (who can summon Metal Gamin, which are M&SU and has the You Lookin' At Me? synergy), Silent One, and Freikorps Librarians. There are definitely others that I take, those are just the ones coming to mind. So don't be afraid to look beyond M&SU, but those should be your bread-and-butter in an Ironsides list (they should also be your heavy hitters, as they just get beefier with Hand-Picked Men). Johan, Gunsmiths, Union Miners, and Willie are noteworthy M&SU members, but there are again others. Hope you like Toni and her crew, play around with her a lot and feel free to change up your crew.


Ironsides is a bit of a finesse Master, so learning how to play her will take a while and she can be played in multiple ways. I will give the starting tip or playing her without any upgrades to start (or you can take Arcane Reservoir and/or Seize the Day, which are crew buffs more so than Upgrades for Toni herself). You'll figure out what you want Toni to be doing for you best without trying to force the Upgrades to be worth their points. Hope that helps, happy gaming!

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I know they're not out in plastic, but you could get a couple gunsmiths. They  synergize extremely well with Toni.


I also like Silent Ones in all things: the benefit here is- they can shoot into the melee that Toni's started. They can 0 action heal her from 6 inches away. They're a steal at 6 stones. And if supported can be a pain in the rear to take off the table. 



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If your meta is okay with (good) proxies, you can make a couple of gunsmiths out of the TTB sprues with no difficulty whatsoever and Ironsides is pretty much their favorite thing in the world. Get a mage to push them into place, cheat a low ram, and they'll be Fast with positive twists to attack and damage, plus they'll be (up to) 8" up the board without walking. If that's not enough Ironsides can kite them around after her with no negative ramifications whatsoever and keep them safe from enemy skirmishers.


Man I should get the Ironsides box... "Wyrd!" *shakes fist*

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M&SU gives you a nice variety of options, but unfortunately not much has been released in plastic yet. She also gains access to the generic M&SU upgrades which opens up a whole other way to play her (primarily with constructs).


But I agree with most that the best gang for your buck and easiest way of expansion will be in the Ramos starter.

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