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Limited Edition Cards Issues

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So I just recently had something brought to my attention which has reminded me about an issue that has bugged me for awhile. The issue of limited edition models, especially from 1E, which don't have corresponding cards in 2E.


The thing that brought this up was a friend of mine recently bought a Miss Ery from the Online Sale, and I mentioned how much I disliked that the card didn't Actually say Miss Ery, but just Teddy, on it. They got a confused look on their face and brought out their card, which, unlike mine, which was acquired last Gen Con, actually did say Miss Ery on it. Mine just said Teddy.


Additionally they had M2E stat cards for both Miss Terious and for Santana.


Now I totally understand we might not get all new stat cards for all the previous Miss Models. I can accept that even if we ever do get them they might only be available as PDFs where we have to print our own.


However, I have to ask, for those cards that actually HAVE been printed for M2E, is there anyway for those of us who actually want a card with the correct name and picture on it to acquire them? If there isn't now, could someone look into that? 


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As far as I'm concerned GenCon 2014 Teddy is still GenCon 2014 Teddy.  And reprinting that card as anything but Teddy was a terrible mistake.  :blast


Because if I put down the Ms. Howard Langston model (packaged as Miss Step) and the card that says Howard Langston (instead of the one that says Miss Step), there cannot be any question that Ms. Howard Langston and Mr. Howard Langston are legally the same model.

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So what? The card to some people matters as much as the model. Players can happily just use Howard Langston and never use Miss Step, so does that mean the Miss Step Model shouldn't exist? Does that mean some people won't pay a premium for her because they want the more rare sculpt, for whatever reason?


To some of us the sculpt doesn't matter. I probably won't by the nightmare crew this year because I like the aesthetics of the actual Colette Crew more, but there are a bunch of people that are going to flock to the new set. What If Wyrd then said that there wouldn't be any new cards in the set but just actually Colette cards in the box? Some people wouldn't care and some would. I'm one of the ones that would. If an actual M2E card exists with the proper name and art on it, I would like the ability to get it.


I agree with you that reprinting the Miss Ery card was a mistake, because it's a slap in the face to those who got it at Gen Con, got a Teddy Card, were upset about it, and now others who bought them later get the actually correct card. 


I very much understand that we might never get an actual M2E card for some of the Limited editions. The Gremlinette, Miss Pack, and Miss Demeanor are likely not going to happen, I totally get that, because sending the art out and getting them printed is not likely going to happen. However since I know for a fact that the correct cards for Miss Terious and Miss Ery exist, I would love the opportunity to acquire them. And I know I'm not the only one because this was a big topic of discussion during the changeover to M2E.

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Yes, as I mentioned a friend just bought Miss Ery during the last Webstore sale, and his miniature came with a card that said "Miss Ery", and not just "Teddy" like mine did. It appears the Gen Con Cards weren't printed with that name, either by intention or mistake, and subsequently that print run was changed.


Weird. Now I want a card that says Miss Ery. :( 

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Weird. Now I want a card that says Miss Ery. :(

Me too. I really like having my cards with the "correct" name on them. I doubt we'll ever get a M2E Miss Pack or anything, but I would buy them if I could. My Miss Ery has the correct picture, but still lists Teddy as the name.

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Me too. I really like having my cards with the "correct" name on them. I doubt we'll ever get a M2E Miss Pack or anything, but I would buy them if I could. My Miss Ery has the correct picture, but still lists Teddy as the name.


Same one. 

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One question: is the "Teddy" card distinguishable from the regular Teddy model one? Is it clearly identifiable as the card of the "Miss" model? If so, even if it says "Teddy" instead of "Miss Ery" you should be glad to have it, as it identifies your model as a "first print", and if now the card says Miss Ery, you could still get hold of it, while those who purchased the model later will have an harder time on tracking down the older version with "Teddy" card.


This, if you're interested in collecting promos and alt versions, ofcourse. And speaking from the point of someone very mildly interested in them, so I may be wrong... :)

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