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3 masters per faction


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I want to bring some of my friends to Malifaux. They are quite stubborn to step through portal. Probably too scared of Ressers of Neverborns.

After I convinced them to game, time come to choose faction / masters. Here comes my question. What are best 3 masters per faction to choose, those with best synergies. The idea is that they won’t buy any other masters, and probably won’t buy also single figures from those masters boxes, for example if they don’t buy Pandora, the won’t have Candy. Of course they will buy other models,for example Teddy etc. but not those from masters boxes (because future can bring changes and 4th master can join). 

If there is similar topic, and I am creating useless threads, sorry for inconvenience.

My picks:


Petrida, Lucas, ?


Lilith, Pandora, ?


Ophelia, ? , ?


VS, Levi, ?


? , ? , ?


Seamus, Nikodem, ?


Ramos, Colette , ?

I think that  this topic can be also great for new players. Especially for those without deep pockets.


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Actually, three Master boxes is a pretty decent start for every faction even without deep pockets. In the long run, it'll be way cheaper than starting with Minion boxes.


My list, designed for biggest overlap, not strongest models:



Sonnia, Justice, Perdita



Seamus, Nicodem, McMourning



Lynch, Pandora, either Lilith or Zoraida



Ramos, Kaeris, Mei Feng



Von Schill, Victorias, Leveticus



Somer, Ophelia, Wong


Ten Inches

Any except Yan Lo

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I am already playing Pandora.

I am not looking for 3 masters per faction to compete with 3 other masters per faction. The question is to have 3 masters that can play against mostly all schemes, and bring basic models that are used in other games, for example Perdita in Guild.

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So, you just want blind opinion?



Neverborn: Pandora, Lynch, Lilith

Guild: McCabe, Lucius, Perdita

Resser: Nicodem, Seamus, McMourning

Outcast: Viks, Leveticus, Jack Daw

Arcanist: Colette, Ramos, Rasputina

10 Thunder: Shenlong, Misaki, Yan Lo

Gremlins: Som'ner, Ophelia, Zoradia.


Have fun :)

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To clarify, selected 3 masters need to cover mostly all schemes, and bring models for other masters to use. All 3 masters that have synergy with each other.
I think that Seamus is a good example of that. He brings Belles and Madame Sybelle. Those models are also used with other Ressers masters. Seamus has also different game style than other masters, so another   :+fate  for him.


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Did you miss perdita?


No... I don't see a lot of synergy between Perdita and the other boxes either. Well, McCabe makes everything better, and the Ortegas are very self-sufficient, but what does Dita want from the others?

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Yes, but his box can be used with almost all masters:


Watcher is a scheme runner so works with everything.

Guardian works with Sonnia/Lady Justtice/Perdita/Hoffman and even is a Minion (Lucius, even though he is immune to Horror Duels)

Hunters are fast, resilent minions. Hoffman doesn`t need stuff from other boxes but Witchling stalkers/Death Marshalls" are always good.

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Yes, but his box can be used with almost all masters:


Watcher is a scheme runner so works with everything.

Guardian works with Sonnia/Lady Justtice/Perdita/Hoffman and even is a Minion (Lucius, even though he is immune to Horror Duels)

Hunters are fast, resilent minions. Hoffman doesn`t need stuff from other boxes but Witchling stalkers/Death Marshalls" are always good.


True. I would probably suggest him as the 4th Master.

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I've been thinking of the same thing, but using 10T as the centerpiece to try to create cross faction masters. for instance, I thought about Lynch, Brewmaster, and Zoriada. Lucius, Lynch, and McCabe. fun stuff like that. not sure how effective it would be, but I see it as a way to justify buying waldgeist. which is always important. ;)

I will echo (in an attempt to keep us on topic) Sonnia/Lucius/Hoffman for guild. I did this with my 2.0 switch back to guild.

For 10T I would probably Grab Misaki, Jacob Lynch, and Mei Feng.

Misaki gets you the Torkage, Lynch gets you the illuminated, and Mei Feng gets you Kang. Kang, Illuminated and Torkage are all pretty highly regarded in the faction. (though I don't think 10T have anything I would consider 'auto include' so don't look at it like that.

And this combo of masters is more that capable at tackling the strats and schemes.

Once Shenlong comes out, you could make a strong case to drop Mei Feng for Shenlong. If Shenlong comes with the monk of the high river, that's amazing, but at the very least, you'll get sensei Yu who is wonderful to have around.

anyway, my 2 cents on the factions I'm running this year. =]

EDIT: cleaned up my messy attempt at English. :P

Edit to the edit: I wonder if anyone will put Brewmaster on the list for either Gremlins or 10T.

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GUILD: It's 4 masters, but I really feel that Perdita, Sonnia, Justice, and McCabe form the core of the Guild, better than spending money on Minion boxes otherwise.  Perdita and McCabe are probably the top shelf Masters, with Sidir/Judge/Francisco serving as the premier henchmen.  Death Marshals and Witchling Stalkers are definitely some of the most important henchmen too.  The only things I'd feel are needed in addition are Austringers and Guild Hounds.  Those 6 purchases I feel give a very solid Guild foundation.


ARCANISTS: Collette is probably a top pick for Arcanists.  Ramos/Mei Fang are a popular pair that plays well with one another.  Mech Rider and Metal Gamin are probably the top non crew box purchases here.


TEN THUNDERS: Kind of an odd one, as there's little overlap with just the crew boxes as its a faction that really "gels" with the purchase of the 10T exclusive stuff not found in the crews.  Jakob Lynch is strong with the best minions in the game so he's a probable pick.  After that I want to say probably Shen Long/Brewmaster, though McCabe needs to be strongly considered.

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This is a topic of great interest to me personally, since it's exactly how my friends and I are getting into the game!

By that token, we're none of us experts, but here's what we're rolling with:


Arcanists: Ramos, Mei Feng, Ironsides.  Ramos and Mei both bring a heavy Construct skew, but use it different ways.  Ironsides doesn't so much, but Ramos' crew has some M&SU people for her to buff... plus, I think Toni and her Mages are probably my favorite models in all of Malifaux, so I had to get in on that!  (Dirial may be right that Kaeris is a stronger synergy, though she lacks a plastic release.)


Outcasts: Leveticus, Tara, Von Schill.  My abandoned plan - I wanted Levi and Tara (for maximum rule-breakage), and everyone said that VS was the best support for both with his Librarians and the like.  A wiser person might cut out Leveticus entirely, however - his starting box lets you build a whopping 10 SS force - the lowest Stone-to-money ratio in the game.  And unlike Void Wretches, nobody is going to hire out-of-crew Abominations.


Ressers: Nicodem, Seamus, Molly (Lost Life, obviously).  They share a summoning pool, after all.


Neverborn: The Dreamer, Pandora, Lych.  Lots of Insidious Madness.  Lots of Stitched Together.  Both need proxies/pewter.  Proceed with caution.


Ten Thunders: Misaki, Lynch, McCabe.  The Thunders are really hard to do this with, but everyone says that McCabe makes everyone better, Misaki doesn't care what her Crew does, and Illuminated are just strong beaters, so that should- wait a moment:

Ten Inches

Any except Yan Lo

... Ten inches?  What?


Keep your twisted insecurity-driven fantasies in the Mexican Standoff thread, mate.

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 wait a moment:

... Ten inches?  What?


Keep your twisted insecurity-driven fantasies in the Mexican Standoff thread, mate.


Oh, you have zFiend to thank for that joke... again. He kind of made us swear to refer to the 10T only as Ten Inches. I don't recall his reasoning, though....

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