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Seth III Painting Blog

Seth III

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this is my first post in miniature showcase section..


These miniatures are my first Malifaux pieces. I like Nephilim miniatures very much (blue violet skin, wings, nails and talons). What else could you want ??? :)


Bases are self made (and WIP currently). Cork for primary structure, filled with Milliput where needed. Self sculpt ruined floor on the top and here and there. I haven't decided which kind of vegetation put on them. I'll paint some other pieces before and then I'll choose.


Matt Varnish applied at the end of painting process.



Terror Tots: overview #1 (front).

Terror Tots: overview #2 (front).

Terror Tots: overview #3 (up).

Terror Tots: overview #4 (rear).

Terror Tot #1: closeup.

Terror Tot #2: closeup.

Terror Tot #3: closeup.
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Really smooth colors on the Tots. The bases are really nice too. All in all, great models! I can't wait to see more from you. 




My next model will be a Young Nephilim.


I'm not sure if I'll follow an identical scheme blue/violet for the flesh. Next step of evolution in my mind require a small different skin. Blue oriented tones fit perfectly I think.

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I'm not sure if I'll follow an identical scheme blue/violet for the flesh. Next step of evolution in my mind require a small different skin. Blue oriented tones fit perfectly I think.


That's how I'd paint my Nephilims. Every step gets a different skintone. 

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Thanks for the appreciation!


For the skin I used a couple of colour, mixed together (VGC Wolf Grey and VGA Alien Purple). Then I applied light and shadows adding more Wolf Grey and Alien Purple + VMC Black. After these steps I used Black Glaze for deep recesses and then VMC Dark Prussia Blue Glaze and VMC Purple Glaze. Result was a smooth transition from shadow area to light area. Last step of light and then another Glaze where applied..


A very limited palette but I think this is a great choice if you want a certain result.


Only first step of light and shadow was done by airbrush. Last light, correction and all glazes were done by brush (and many hours of patience :) ).

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wow- I just got done painting my own terror tots and yours blow mine away. REally smooth transitions here. Did you use glazes for that? Damn.


Yes, I used 3 different glazes to obtain these transition from shadow to light areas.



I create my glaze as follow:


- 1 drop of colour (VGA Alien Purple + VMC Black 3:1, VMC Dark Prussia Blue, VMC Purple);

- 1 drop of Vallejo Glaze Medium;

- 1 drop of W&N Flow Improver;

- 3-4 drops of water (according to the colour density);



I used wet blending technique to applied three glazes at the some time and smooth them together.

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If you want try flow improver you can buy Reaper Master Series Flow Improver or W&N Flow Improver. I used only the second one but I read good review also for Reaper Master product. I bought W&N because I live in Italy and in my contry I can't find Reaper Master produts. Both are use in combination with acrylic paints.


Liquid dish soap works well in some cases but isn't a specific product. I prefer use a dedicated flow improver.

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Hi all,


below you can view my last miniature. A Young Nephilim. I'll paint the other version of this model in the future. Currently I need only one of them for my crew.


I lowered the painting level a bit. Terror tot's skin was more glazed and blended than this one. I want my crew completely painted in two months. In the past I found more accuracy and "perfection" in my paintjob but so I can't complete any game army.. :( Only some small unit or hero were done. I prefer a good compromise for paint level and crew's overview.


The base isn't finished. Flock and vegetation will be added.


4 hours of painting from beginning to finish (base included).



Young Nephilim: Front view #1

Young Nephilim: Front view #2

Young Nephilim: Upper view

Young Nephilim: Rear view

Young Nephilim: Base detail #1

Young Nephilim: Base detail #2

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