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A little help - Neverborn lists for a 4 game learning series!


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Hi guys!

I'm going to be filming a 4 game beginner series for Malifaux featuring Outcasts and Neverborn. The Outcast master will be Von Schill and Jacob Lynch and Co. will be heading up the Neverborn.

This series will start with a Henchmen game at 20SS and then escalate to a Master led game at 30, 40 and 50SS.

I figured why not ask for input on the four lists. I'll be putting the Outcast version of this in their forum. 

I will be sent and be painting up Neverborn from the following model pool. This will be all I have for models so no subs! :)


- Jacob Lynch Starter

- Mr Tannen

- Mr Graves

- The Depleted

- Waldgeist


The Outacsts l will have access to...


- Von Schill Starter

- Hannah

- Hans

- Strongarm box (I guess I'll have an extra?) 

- Vanessa 


We will be focusing on basic Strategies. First two games will be Turf War, then Squatters Rights, then Stake a Claim. Schemes as normal. 


Thanks in advance! 


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Lynch Box is good choice. They can do every fundamental things in Malifaux.

Main Tactic to win is simple. Choose "Killing" Schemes and Give Brilliance to Opponents and kill them. 

Because you don't have good scheme runners, so I think you'll have difficulty in doing 'mobile' schemes.


Now See models.... 


Lynch - He is very versatile. His main position is supporter, but he has very powerful assassinate combo.  

Our Lovely Huggy - Auto include model. It must become Leader in small ss games and Lynch must take him as his totem.

Illuminated - They are our greatest beatsticks. but they sometimes need some brilliance giver. so I recommend to take at least 2 Illuminated. 

Depleted - Good Tar Pits, but more important thing is they are insignificant. If your opponent can take schemes like Distract, they become weak points. 

Mr. Graves- Good Beatstick and He can push other model. It can be used for some tricks. Also, he has Black Blood, but freikorps ignore it. 

Mr. Tannen - Good for denial. His Chatty is very good denial against some strategy and schemes. For Example, Squatter's Right. 

Waldgeist - For Board Control. their other ability is not bad, but board control is better.  


And 'A Line in the Sands' is basic scheme, not strategy. 

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Yeah these are good choices for beginners playthrough given the faction choices. The crews will depend on the strat/scheme pool so that is also an important point to showcase in your vids.


Schill has great ranged power, and an very solid synergy with anything keyword "friekorps". Its actually difficult to make a bad list with him.


Lynch on the other hand can play very well to specific strats but he has to cater the list more than the friekorps. The man himself is a glass cannon that has absurd damage potential and can pass out conditions to benefit his crew. Huggy, Illuminated, and Graves hit like a ton of bricks too. Depleted are one of the most resiliant 4 pointers in the game, illuminated and waldgiest are fairly resiliant as well. Tannen is a walking "piss your opponent off model" because of his chatty aura and anti cheat aura, but his manipulative is the only thing keeping him alive so be careful with that.


Overall these crews should promise a good matchup but make sure you have plenty of terrain otherwise the friekorps will have a clear advantage. Now if only you had a plethera of terrain near where you were filming....

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Thanks guys! That last Strategy should have been Stake a Claim. My bad. 


I should have everything I need to film and then some 0REAPER! :) I've already got a Malifaux setup. We may eventually get some buildings but for now the Wild West Wastes will suffice. lol


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Be sure to include a lot of terrain, and say why you do it. Edit in lists of everything so beginners can pause and read up on stuff.


Depleted are great at tanking and giving out Brilliance. If a Scheme like Distract is in the pool, take Tannen with them.


There are two different poses in the Strongarm's set, not two models.


That's all I could think of. I really like your idea. Good luck!

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Ah, there were two depicted on the cover, so I assumed it came with two. lol

The plan is for these four games to give a blow by blow of what we're doing as we do it, hence the escalation in Game Size. The advice here is so I can pre-determine some lists for each video to the Strategy and give the person filming with me an idea of what each model will do synergistically to fulfill strategies so they don't just hodge-podge pick models. :) 


As for terrain, we will have a good mix of blocking, obscuring and severe so that the table is well filled, but with various types so that the players can get a feel for it. 



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I think for 20 pts either of these lists will work well.


Hungering Darkness

+Addict   1ss
The Depleted 4ss
The Illuminated 7ss

The Illuminated 7ss



Hungering Darkness


Waldgeist 6ss

The Illuminated 7ss

The Illuminated 7ss



Either way you have some hard hitting models in the shape of Illuminated, with staying power in either list. Tactics are limited in turf war, but if they get close have Huggy walk people into an embrace of Illuminated, bad terrain from Waldgeists, or close enough to give Brilliance to (making the Illuminated killers in this scenario).



At 30 pts you finally get to breathe a little with Lynchs crew..

That list gives you a re-useable missile in the form of Huggy combined with a ranged option to get brilliance on enemies (Lynch) and then improve the attacks against said models even further for the entire crew.


If you want to expand to the control side of things instead of straight killerbot9000, then swap Rising sun on Jakob for Endless Hunger. That gives better terrifying and an extra control AP to boot.


What a list at 40 pts might look like.


At 40 points Squatter's Rights might just turn into more killing. I'd swap out the depleted for yet another Illuminated and Waldgeist. Hans will probably be given a serious look around this time so keep Lynch near a Waldgeist or so to make it harder to Ping any of his upgrades off and/or seriously consider sending Huggy on a death mission to wipe him out being incorporeal he should be able to catch him and seriously Huggy + Illuminated is a scary tag team to have in your face.




At 50 I think it's time to bring the board control full circle.


At this point the Waldgeists probably can be trimmed back since we're bringing in Tannen and Graves. Huggy also goes back to his controller version rather than re-useable missile.

This gives you a healthy SS pool (not something Jakob excessively needs though) and eight models, five of which are more than adequate at combat, a few ranged attacking models, some manipulation through Tannen along with his debuffing, movement shenanigans with the Waldgeist and Graves, penultimately you should have learned by now how Lynch can manipulate the cards to the best effect, while ultimately Huggy has his Terrifying and strong manipulation of the enemy forces.


If you want still yet more options, toss the last 4 ss into the ring and buy a depleted to do suicidal things.






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You could always do a sample video. Use the Henchman Hardcore rules (4 models, 20SS, close deployment, turf war, assassinate) and just show the intro, and first turn or two as an example of what you want to do, then post it on here for feedback to see what others think of it, or if anything should be added that they feel a beginner should see in said type of videos.

That's just my suggestion, though. Overall I like the idea. Best of luck to you. :)

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I suggested Henchmen Hardcore a month or two ago and had it shot down as 'a bastardized version of Malifaux unsuited to teaching the actual game'. Which was why I avoided it. lol


It's controversial for teaching, that's true. But for a sample video, it might be worthwhile.


I don't like the format much, personally.

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I think teaching by Henchman size game needs less-competitive roster to make good results.


Agreed, you want the demo game to be fun and not cut throat brutality. Also keeping a thematic crew has always been a mantra of mine when doing demo games. 


I suggested Henchmen Hardcore a month or two ago and had it shot down as 'a bastardized version of Malifaux unsuited to teaching the actual game'. Which was why I avoided it. lol


The reason for this was probably because teaching players using Henchman Hardcore isn't really teaching them how to play Malifaux, it's teaching them how to use Malifaux Mechanics to utterly trash you opponents crew whilst basically ignoring all the VP except that granted by Assassinate and the occasional Turf War VP. It encourages killing to much and whilst that is an important part of Malifaux it's not and should never be the primary focus or mentality you should use when playing a proper 50ss game. A fair amount of gamers come to Malifaux from 40k, Warmachine, Infinity etc where deleting the opponent grants an auto-win and that isn't the case with Malifaux. Hardcore is useful for teaching core mechanics but it's uses are fairly limited beyond that for demo games. 


Usually I'll take a Master and their Minions then pit them up against a fairly similar Master + Minions of equal value. For example recently I've been using Lilith + 3 Tots vs Viks + 2 Ronin. I often use a dumbed down version of Squatters Rights (3 Markers) and that's it for complete beginners. It forces the players to focus on the objective rather than killing each other outright. Every now and then one of them might murder the other but 9/10 times they wont win as well because they'l have wasted too much time killing to interact with the Markers. 

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Just to be clear, I am not for using Henchman Hardcore as a teaching tool for new players. I was merely suggesting using it as a video demo for your future teaching videos. Basically as a B-Roll, dry run just to work out the kinks and lock in the format you want to use, or to bug test to see where to potential screw ups might be or ways to make it more concise and more informative.

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