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Back in the Breach


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Good day, friends,


I stopped playing Malifaux around 2 years ago, back when 1.5 was strong and 2nd was just barely a whisper. At the time, balance was not really a thing: Kirai, The Dreamer, and Hamelin walked as kings and queens and my favourites, Rasputina, Seamus, and Lady J, were oft considered some of the worst the game had to offer.


In the past few days, something has had me itching to go back through the breach and begin playing and collecting again but I need to ask before I commit: Is balance better this edition? Can my lovely crews compete now or is the environment still uneven and rocky?

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The game is pretty balanced now. If two players, with equal playing skill and knowledge of what their crew and the opponent's crew does, were to play each other, it would honestly be anyone's game no matter which faction/master/crew either one of them were using. That said, there are some masters that are on the upper side of the power curve and some that are on the lower, requiring more or less finesse to work, but even then, it could be anyone's game depending on how they are played.

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Welcome back through the Breach!


Yeah, there are certain Masters who are a slight bit more powerful than others, and I don't think that can really be remedied in a game this complex. Still, the differences are small, and mostly rooted in more or less flexibility.


Sure, Colette is more flexible than Lady J, but Lady J can win against Colette without a problem.


The huge differences of last edition are a thing of the past.

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As one who was there for the last edition, let me say that the game is much tighter in balance. There still are imbalances, and there always will be, but they are much more leveled out into his edition.

While there are masters and models above the curve, it's interesting in that you won't get much concensus on who those masters are.

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This is all so nice to hear. No company will ever make a perfectly balanced game, but to know the playing field is much more level than last edition is like offering free drugs to an addict. I already have Lady J, Seamus, Nicodemus, Rasputina, Pandora, and Levicitus from 1.5, now I just have to pick up...like, everyone else. That's okay though, I don't really need to eat or sleep.

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